Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I finished my work quickly. I took some asparagus I had squirreled away which I knew Frypan loved but were strictly rationed because they only grow at certain times of the year. Then I bribed him to give me the best food for the greenie... my soulmate. Frypan was understanding and prepared a lovely tray. I added a little blue flower.

The guys were already fully into their monthly party. Dinner was eaten and drinks were brought out. The shouting mixed with the music and the roaring bonfire to create an exciting and dangerously playful atmosphere. I left it, dodging left and right to avoid dropping my tray. As I walked out toward the slammer, it grew darker and the voices were muted. I'd still hear bits as loud as if I was right beside them, thanks to the sound echoing off the walls, but for the most part, the night was peaceful. The stars were brighter, it seemed, than those that were close to the fire. I could hear crickets.

I approached the slammer carefully, as quietly as I could. I didn't want to wake the greenie or startle them if they were awake. Tiptoeing was hard on grass that rustled as I walked and the cup on the tray clanked when I moved. I stopped for a minute, not daring to breathe, to see if I could hear the greenie. Were they awake?

"I can hear you; you know." The greenie's voice came from the darkness.

I blushed and walked up to the cell; grateful the dim light hid my pink cheeks.

"I just came to bring you dinner," I said, holding up the tray.

The greenie crept out of the shadows of the cage with wary eyes and a tear-stained face.

"Here." I slipped the tray between the wooden bars and into the greenie's hands. They took it, scurrying back to the far corner of the cell, mumbling a quick, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I replied, but I didn't leave. I leaned on the cage doors and watched the greenie devour the tray of food.

"I can get more if you'd like." I offered after a minute when the meal was nearly gone.

The greenie swallowed, shaking their head, and thanked me again. "No, thank you, this is lovely. Newt, was it?"

I stared further into the cage, squinting to see better in the darkness. "How did you know my name?" I asked.

"Alby told me." The greenie replied.

"He talked to you?"

"Sort of. He told me you had tried to help me. Then he said I could come out if I wouldn't be hysterical. I said no."

I chuckled a little, "Oh, why was that?"

"My brother's dead. I intend on being hysterical for a while now."

"Your brother?"


"He was your brother? Does Alby know this? Does that mean you remember everything?"

"Yes, no, and yes. I'll tell Alby and everyone else in time, I will. I just need a couple of days. I...I was so sure he'd be here with the rest of you. When I didn't see him at the box..."

"You went to check the wall." I finished.

The greenie nodded and went silent, a tear escaping down their cheek.

"I'm sorry," I said, and I meant it.

"How did he die." The greenie's voice was limp and hollow.

I thought back. Stephen had come up before me, but I had known him. "He got stung and- "

"Stop," The greenie interrupted, "I get it. He got stung, went crazy, and someone had to kill him..."

We were silent for a moment. I considered asking about everything we'd forgotten... the outside, our families, everything. The greenie's tiny sobs kept me silent. There would be enough questions when word got out, anyway.

"What's your name," I mumbled, deciding only one question was important at the moment.

"Y/n," They replied.

I reached my hand through the bars and they took it, leaning on the wall dividing us to cry.

"Welcome to the Glade, y/n." 

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