Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Clint and Jeff did everything they could, but there was no cure for a Griever sting. Minho had been given a lecture by Gally about how he should have just left y/n in the maze. I held my tongue through the exchange, but I dearly wished I could send Gally to the slammer for even mentioning leaving my soulmate to die.

Still, they were going to die.

I sat by their bed, Minho on the one next to me. He'd pulled his shoulder dragging y/n through the maze, and Clint was wrapping it up in a sling.

"I couldn't leave her, Newt," Minho mumbled, breaking the silence.

"I'm grateful you didn't. Thank you, Minho." I replied, holding y/n's hand. Their breathing was course and raspy, and their face was twisted in pain.

"Where's the sting?"

"Neck. I wrapped it... didn't want to see it."

I nodded, understandingly. Clint and Jeff didn't even try to see the sting; they knew there was nothing they could do. They gave me a wet cloth for their head and left them to me.

I felt like throwing up. Their hand was cold when I touched it. They'd cough now and then, wincing. I hated that they were in pain.


After what seemed like hours, they opened one eye and met my gaze, trying to lift their head.

"Lay back lay back. You're safe," I reassured them, brushing a wisp of hair out of their eyes.

"What happened?"

"You got shucking stung and I almost died dragging you back here greenie," Minho called from where he had lied down on a cot.

"Oh. You ok?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah. You're not though."

"Yeah, figured that much out from the shooting pain in my neck but thanks for the update, Min."

"Here." I slowly unwrapped y/n's neck and pressed the wet cloth on it.

I heard them suck in a breath and asked, "Does that hurt?"

"A little. Not bad." They let out a sigh. "I'm guessing you haven't given me the antidote?"

"What antidote?" Jeff, who was working nearby, asked.

"The antidote. For the griever sting."

"We've never had an antidote."

"Because you've never killed a griever," Y/n said blankly, sticking one arm in the air for seemingly no reason.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Minho interjected.

"The antidote is in the griever. Aren't you paying attention?"

"What? How do you know this?"

"I know lots of things. I remember, remember?" Y/n's words slurred slightly, and their arm fell back on their chest.

"We need to find that antidote," I said, as y/n fell unconscious again.

"We don't even know if it's real, Newt."

"We have to find it, Minho."

Minho sat up at the sharp tone in my voice. He met my eyes and saw how serious I was.

"You're not actually thinking about it, are you?" Jeff asked. "It could be the venom talking. It makes the victims say strange things-"

"We'll leave the moment the doors open." Mino interrupted, laying back down.

I nodded, then hesitated. It would be the first time in years I'd been in the maze. Ever since... I looked down at y/n, sleeping fitfully on the cot. They didn't have much time.

I had to.

"Yes," I said aloud. "The moment they open." 

Newt x Reader Colors Soulmate AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang