Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Turned out that Alby had a problem with me going out in the Maze. Who could have seen that one coming?

"Alby, I keep telling you," I insisted but he is stubborn.

"No, Newt. You're not a Runner anymore, remember? And only Runners go into the Maze. Besides, we stay AWAY from Grievers for a very good reason. They kill us remember? And you want to go find one and kill one on the chance that there might be an antidote? Are you insane?"

"It's for my soulmate, Alby!" I pleaded.

"Sorry, Newt. But no."

I turned then and stormed out of the meeting hall. Minho was waiting outside.

"So, are we going?"

"Alby said no."


I looked up sharply.

"What do you mean so? If Alby says no, we can't go anywhere."

"Come on, Newt. If we don't, y/n will die."

"You don't think I know that!"

I started walking away, my back turned to Minho.

"I'm sick of it, Newt," Minho called after me. "I'm sick of running the same maze day after day, with no escape. I'm done playing their games. That greenbean remembers, Newt. They remember our families, why we're here. I've spent three years running through that maze with nothing to show for it. I'm going out there, I'm going to get that antidote, with or without you. Do you want to come or not? It is your soulmate we're talking about."

"Yes, I'm coming. But won't I slow you down?"

Minho clapped me on the back, "Maybe. But no one knows the greenie like you do. And if we have any chance at all, we'll need your insight. The greenie said we'd have to kill a Griever in order to get the antidote. What's say we raid the weapons cabinet?"

I grinned.

In a flash, we had crossed the Glade. The weapons hut was close to the Map Room. It was off-limits to the rest of the boys but as Keeper of the Runners and Second-in-Command, Minho and I both had keys. Minho put his in and twisted, unlocking the door, while I kept an eye out.

"Come on! What do we need?" Minho asked.

"I don't know. A couple spears maybe?" I hesitated, staring at the rows of weapons.

"You take a spear; I'll take a torch."

As we did so, we heard a loud clanking noise.

"The doors!" We said together.

"We need to hurry, come on, Newt!"

Minho took my hand and half-dragged me across the Glade. A few of the other guys noticed, shouting at us and pointing, but no one moved to stop us. At least, until we reached the doors. They were already half-closed, so we hurried to the other side.

"Newt? Minho? Where are you going?"

"You'll be trapped!"

"Minho, are you insane?"

"You'll die!"

Minho and I looked out to where our friends were gathered, staring and shouting at us as the doors closed slowly, painfully slowly.

Minho squeezed my hand and whispered, "For y/n?"

"For y/n."

Our friend's voices were silenced as the doors closed. 

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