Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I felt awful for the greenie the next day. They had told Alby that they remembered everything, and naturally, that caused pandemonium when the others heard. Now the greenie sat on the dirt floor in the middle of the meeting hall, staring blankly at a rock in the floor while the Gladers shouted over one another.

"Enough, I know you all have questions, so be quiet and let the greenie speak!" Alby silenced the crowd with a raise of his hand. Then he turned to y/n, who didn't look up.

"Greenie, would you like the tell everyone what you remember?"

"Not really."

More shouting. The greenie winced at the sudden rush of noise, their hands snapping up to cover their ears. I could see them shaking.

"SLIM IT SHUCKFACES!" I shouted. The boys fell into discontented silence as I crouched by y/n.

"We're all very curious about everything we've forgotten, y/n. Couldn't you answer a few of our questions?"

"Why should I?" They snapped back. "Honestly, why should I? You all treat greenies with such scorn, I've seen it! But when one comes up knowing more than you, and suddenly things are supposed to change? I watched you wait days to give greenies the answers they so desperately needed. My brother was one of them. Let's see you wait!"

"Your brother?"

"You watched us?"

"What do you mean, how could you?"

Y/n crossed their arms across their chest and focused their eyes back on the floor. The boys began shouting again.

"Alby, do something!"

"You're the leader, make them tell us!"

"Alright, slim it! Enough, shanks!" He turned to y/n, sitting stubbornly on the floor.

"Y/n. Last chance. At the very least, tell us who we are and why we're here. That's it, two answers."


Alby's jaw clenched and his eyes flashed.

"Come on, Alby, I'll make them talk," Billy, Keeper of the Baggers, offered. Alby waved him away.

"No need for force, Billy. Not yet anyway. Greenie, if you refuse to give us answers, you'll be imprisoned in slammer without food until you change your mind."

Y/n's face fell in dismay; one night in the Slammer was awful enough. I could see the hesitation in their face, and was about to say something, but Minho beat me to it.

"Alby, instead of keeping them in the slammer all day, can I bring them into the maze? If they're going to be stubborn, they could at least be helpful."

"How so?" Alby asked.

"If they know as much as they say, which I don't believe they do," The greenie flushed in anger at this, but Minho continued, "They'll know how to get around in the maze. They might even find something I missed."

"Wait, I thought you had qualifications to be a Runner, Minho?" I protested.

"This greenie outran everyone here to get the doors, fresh out of the box. That's never happened before. They're run before, sure, but they've always been stopped before the doors. Y/n meets my criteria, if Alby approves."

"But what if something happens to them? If they're the only ones who remember, wouldn't it be too big I risk?" I argued, desperately trying to keep y/n out of the maze. It was safe in the Glade!

"Alby, we don't even know if they do remember everything. They could just be bluffing. Maybe they want to sit in the slammer all day doing no work. I don't know. The point is, we don't know anything about this greenie. The maze has a way of showing people's true colors."

"Understood, Minho. Greenie, you will run the maze under Minho's control during the day and return to the Slammer at night until you decide to reveal whatever you remember. End of discussion."

Alby stood amidst angry arguments and nodded once to me. I nodded back and grabbed the greenie by the arm, pulling them out of the meeting hall and the crowd of frustrated boys.

Y/n was quiet on the walk back to the slammer, but I had questions.

"Why won't you tell them anything?" I asked softly.

"They killed my brother."

"They didn't- "

"They let him die."

"We didn't- "

"You could have used the antidote for the Griever sting."

"There's an antidote?!" I exclaimed. The greenie flushed and fell silent.

"Y/n, there's an antidote? Tell me, please?"

"No. Never mind."

I huffed in frustration, and we walked in silence for a few seconds before the greenie asked a question.

"Why did you freeze when you saw me that first day... when I came up. You ran up to me, then just froze."

I stopped for a moment and considered. Should I tell the greenie about the colors, about being their soulmate? But if they didn't know, did that mean they hadn't gotten their colors yet? I had to find out before telling them. Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe the colors weren't for soulmates. Maybe I'd forgotten the real reason like I'd forgotten everything else.
"I just... was surprised," I replied vaguely. Then, changing the subject, I asked, "What's your favorite color?"

Y/n laughed and hesitated. I held my breath.

"Purple." They answered finally. "The color of royalty."

"Have you always seen color?" I couldn't help asking.

"Yes... haven't you?"

I didn't answer. They'd always seen color, but I hadn't? Did that mean they had a different soulmate than me, or they'd see me as a baby and I hadn't seen them...? None of it made any sense! I'd always wished for my soulmate to come to the glade, but now that they were here, I longed for the simple days of wondering.

Y/n seemed to understand my confusion and, in a burst of brilliance, exclaimed, "Oh, do you have a color-cue?"

"What?" I stumbled, and they laughed before continuing.

"Everyone has a different cue. Some people have a mark on them that will be their soulmate's first touch. Some hear whatever music their soulmate listens to. Some feel their soulmate's pain. I saw someone with a timer tattoo on their arm that was counting down until the moment they met their soulmate. Yours is colors?"

I nodded dumbly, and they continued, "Cool. Mine is last words. See?"

They rolled up their sleeve. I saw the words Please, Tommy. Please. tattooed in red ink along their arm.

"These will be my soulmate's last words. I don't know who they are yet, or who Tommy is. I suppose I'll only know when they die. Awful, isn't it? I could fall for the entirely wrong person and never know until they die. I'm one of the unlucky ones."

We arrived at the slammer, and they jumped in with no further trouble. With a final nod to me, they curled up in the corner to sleep. I closed the door and locked in silence, then walked back in confusion. 

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