17. Every 28 Days

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The day I felt lonely,
I went outside to find you.

You were always there

to brighten the darkest days,

but today you hid.

Zero percent visibility.

I wondered if you were okay,

and if maybe you felt lonely, too.

Two days later,

I felt lonely again,

and instinctively,
I went outside to find you.

From the right,

I could finally see

a bit of you.

Less than 49.9


It was as if you were

peeking your head,

too shy to say hello.

I waved and smiled,

And hoped you felt

less lonely than yesterday.

Four days later,

I visited once again,

and this time I could see

the right side of your face.

Illuminated about 50


I wondered why you still hid,

but I didn't want you to go away.

Therefore, I kept quiet,

and just enjoyed your company
by your side.


about four days later,

I went to visit once again.

I couldn't help

but smile as I saw you.

You almost seemed to

appear back to normal,

with your right side lit up.
Less than 99.9

percent of you shined.

It appeared to me

in that moment

that you were waxing—

smiling bigger and bigger,

and illuminating

more and more.

At first you were shy—

new to everything—

refusing to appear.

Then you appeared

like a crescent,

a grinning smile

discovering the world.

And now

you are at gibbous,

almost completely

in my view.

After wondering

and pondering

how you would look like.

Exactly two weeks

after you had disappeared,

I finally saw you once again.

You were bright and full,

a hundred percent glowing,

and illuminating the sky.

You seemed so happy,

it made me smile.

I was so glad

to finally see you,

that all my worries

and loneliness

went away.

Two days later,

I noticed you were waning,

your right-side disappearing,

how you had looked like

at as a gibbous.

The following days,

I noticed a pattern.

From a last quarter

to a waning crescent,

It opposite exactly

The same as last time,

but I could only see you

from the left this time.

It was a cycle,

and slowly but surely,

I learned to live with it.

Because no matter what,
I could always count on you

every 28 days.

A/N: This is a poem I wrote for one of my classes. I haven't written a poem in like foreverrr, but this is more like a work portfolio now so I want to post it. Happy New Year for anyone reading this! Let's hope for a better year :)

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