15. Learning to let go

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You were smiling
as you pulled my heart out
while it was still beating.
I watched it
slip from your hands,
and splatter on the ground.
It hurt so bad,
but you kept apologizing
about a million times
and I didn't want
you to feel bad,
so with a smile
I said, "It's okay."

Your phone rang,
and your face lit up.
You said someone important
was waiting for you,
and you waved goodbye
and ran off.
I watched my heart
in the ground
as it slowly stopped beating.
I picked it up.
"It's time to let you go,"
I whispered,
throwing it in the trash.

Then I left
in the opposite
direction as you,
"Goodbye, my heart."
I didn't look back.


A/N - Uh, life sucks? I seriously hate 2020 so bad. It's been awhile since I've written here, but a lot has happened. I'm already so stressed out and it's only been like a week of school (h e l p). I wrote this really quickly for some reason. Guys just suck, I guess. Stay safe!

Life Itself | Poetry Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora