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"Yeah I guess" I respond to Elizabeth's comment. I feel terrified, what if something really bad does happen? The bell soon rings and I slump to my locker with my head down. I am dreading this. I grab my gym strip and head to the changing room to get changed. Once I'm changed, I head out to the pool. I see the gym teacher standing there looking at his clipboard. "Hey coach?" I ask walking up to him. "What do you need Andres?" He asks looking up. "I was wondering if I could skip out on the swimming unit today?" I ask praying he agrees. "Sure...If you wanna get an F for this unit" He says giving a chuckle. I sigh, I really can't get another F, my parents will kill me. My grades already have been really bad lately  I sigh and look back up at him. "Ok" I sigh and sit back at the pool deck.

Soon the dreaded moment arrives. I am instructed to jump in so I do. Very cautiously I get in and start doing the swimming drills. Then I feel something slimy rub against my leg. I jerk my leg back and look to see nothing. I continue going then...there it us again. Then I see it. A big grey slimy shark. Right there!

I jerk back again. Then I feel a tug on my leg. I feel it start to tug me down. A harsh tug pulls me under the water. I start to thrash and kick. Suddenly it's not a pool anymore. It's an ocean and I'm drowning in it. I start to kick and I feel water start to fill my lungs and I'm out of breath.
I'm going to die.

Oh my god I'm going to die!
Oh god, Oh god. No, No, No.

That is until I feel my arm getting tugged and I get yanked out of the water. I start coughing trying to catch my breath. "Jeez kid. Sorry I didn't know you couldn't swim" The coach says. "N-no I can-I-I just-" I pant trying to put together what happened. "Never mind -C-can I go"? I ask, He sighs and rights a pass and gives it to me. "Oh uh do you know what class Elizabeth Alexander is in?" I ask. "uh...She's in choir, room 201" He said looking at his board. "Thank you" I pant and run out. I find the Choir room and knock. They stop singing and look up, "Can I borrow Elizabeth please?" I ask. "Uh, Sure, Elizabeth you're excused for the rest of class" He says. Elizabeth gets up in a hurry and races up the stairs. Once we're out the door she looks at me, "Are you ok? Did something happen?" She asks in panic. "S-shark. There was a shark in the pool" I say still confused. "Well are you ok?" She asks growing more panic. "I almost drowned Elizabeth what do you think!" I exclaim. "Ok, Ok. Sorry that was a stupid question. But let's not go full naming me and lets take a breath" She says. She bites her thumb nail as we walk through the hallway. "Right sorry, It's just, I don't know how to handle this" I say running my hands through my wet hair. "It's fine". She says still biting her nail. "Hey Liza?" I ask. "Yeah?" She replies taking her nail out of her mouth. "You never said what you saw. So what happened with you?" I ask.

She runs her hands through her hair and pulls it behind her ears. She sighs and takes a deep breath "Someone tried to murder me." She explains shortly. "Oh, Wow" I say. She runs her hands through her hair. "Why did you get me and not April? I mean you guys have been best friends for years so why get me and not her?" She asks. I just shrug. "I don't know" I finally say. She nods. The bell soon rings thankfully this is the last class before we get to leave. "What do you have"? I ask, "Socials" She replies. "You"?
"Math" I reply. She nods and smiles at me. "Stay safe ok? Let me know if something happens". She says. We give each other a quick hug before it's off to class.

Let's hope nothing else bad happens.

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