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One moment I'm surrounded by my friends. 
I take another footstep, darkness. 
The light at the end of the cave is gone. It's dark and cold. 

I'm alone. 

I'm all alone. 

"Guys!?" I yell, my voice echoing back at me. I reach out my arms, trying to find a wall. I can't see my own palm in front of my face, let alone any walls. I take a step forward and feel my foot be submerged in something's cold and-

I swear the ground was dry a minute ago. 
My heart begins to race as I hear the dripping sound of water in the distance. 

"All you have to do is stay out of water" 

I feel myself laugh at what was said to me not that long ago. Yeah, so much for that. 
Elizabeth and Deshaun say that we need to stand up to our fears. I was hoping they would be wrong. 
I was hoping for once in her dam life, Elizabeth would be wrong. She told us not to dig up that stupid grave. She was right. Now, we have to stand up to our fears. 

For a while, I don't hear anything. 
That is until the churn of waves overcome my ears. 
Slowly, light begins seeping through. Shiny, glowing crystals shine through. I find myself standing there and admiring it. It almost makes me forget that I'm here being terrorized by a demonic being. 

That's when it hits me. 
My stomach begins churning with fear. I am completely surrounded by water. I'm stuck on this tiny island with no where to go. Shark fins are slicing through the waves like knives. 

There is no where to go. 

I'm stuck. 

I'm stuck forever. 

The ground beneath me begins to rumble. 
Water soaks my shoes, it's surrounding me everywhere. I shake with fear, I can here my heart beating in my ears. 

I feel myself start to sink, the same feeling of when I was at school rushes through me. I want to scream out for help. But I resist, I don't want the sharks to hear me. I know there is no one who can help me. 

That is, until I look over to the far cavern and I see-


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