Epilogue (Caroline)

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We are sitting on the swings at the park, we can see the kids just up the mill. 
It's a beautiful sunny day, it makes everyone want to stay just a while longer. 
I look around at my friends, my real friends.
Kyle, Deshaun, April, Andres and Elizabeth. 
Oh Elizabeth. 

For once she has a smile on her face that is true. Her naturally straight teeth shine when she smiles as she swings on the swing. Her brown eyes sparkle, and she laughs as she swings higher. 
Deshaun pushes April while Kyle pushes Andres who is swinging beside without a care in the world. 

It's been a few weeks since the clown. Elizabeth has a scar remaining on her side from her encounter, but it's a warrior scar. 
None of us have had any nightmares, none of us have seen anything scary. 
I haven't slept so well. 
I don't think I've ever been so happy. 

My dad and I have even started talking more about my mom. The things we love and remember. It's hard, but it makes us closer. I smile at my friends, them slowing down on the swings. 

"If you ever need help or advice dealing with annoying brothers, I'm your guy. I have a ton" Andres says. 
Deshaun chuckles. 
"Nah, it's fine. I've practically lived with Kyle my whole life. Him moving into the guest room just means his dirty laundry is no longer on my bed,"
"Hey!" Kyle says with a smile. "I don't leave dirty laundry, that was you. I'm very clean thank you very much" he says. 
Elizabeth gives a laugh. "Yeah okay Kyle. You make my room a tornado every time you come over" 
Kyle scoffs "No need to be ganging up on me now" he says making Elizabeth and Deshaun smile. 

"What should we do tonight? Scary movie night at mine?" April asked. 
I laugh, "Maybe not scary, but I'm in" 
"Us too" Andres and Kyle echo. 
"Fine by me" Elizabeth adds. 
"Actually, what if we do it at mine? Have a little house warming party since Kyle is officially apart of the family."
"Yeah! We can help arrange your room!" Andres says. 
Kyle laughs. "I've seen your room, I'll get my organizing tips from El" he says taking her hand, making her smile softly. 

"Come on, we can grab some pizza's on the way" April says. 
"I want peperoni!" Andres yells as he hops off the swing and takes Kyle's hand. Deshaun grabs Aprils and Elizabeth grabs mine. Her soft skin makes contact with mine and it makes my stomach flutter.

"Hey guys we'll catch up, you go ahead," I say, the group nods and walks ahead. 
"Everything okay?" she asks, tilting her head slightly. I smile and nod. "I uh wanted to talk to you about what the clown said." 
Elizabeth's face pales slightly. "I'm sorry. I know you probably don't-" 
Before she finishes I grab her face softly and kiss her. 

She hesitates for a minute but soon kisses back. The taste of her strawberry lip gloss is one I didn't know I needed. 

The two of us pull apart and smile at each other. 
"We should catch up with them" she smiles. 
I nod as I take her hand, meeting up with the rest of the group. 

Finally happy. 

Finally free. 

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