A/n+ X-mas

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(sorry been busy so ill do a X-mas one than my OC's past than you get captured, more along that, than cole gets captured then maybe start a new one )

(Your POV) I look out side to the snow, " so did you get every one a gift" Jay asks I jump, throwing a shadow knife at him "AHE " Jay says ducking "sorry"I say "you sacred me and Yes"I say as I see cole walk by "Hay"I say.

"Happy Holidays,"Cole says " I smile and head out with him

Cole's POV) I sigh " ZANE WHENS DINNER "I shout" 2 hours," Zane says, " Will be 4 if you keep interrupting CoLe "waterfall says I head to watch the two males" well then Maybe I can help, "I ask " um can you answer my riddle, "Waterfall says from the floor,

"Why are you on the ground "I ask "His being a sphynx, " Zane says "why," I ask"well in greek mythology maybe others she would be one to say a riddle got it wrong your food get it right she'd eat her self," Waterfall says.

": What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?" the male asks I sigh " um ah can I have a hint," I ask "for crying out loud terra its fricking simple, "Waterfall says,

I sigh and head off "your not getting near the food till you change, "Zane says " um my other cloaths are dirty or torn, "Waterfall says " here I'll put an apron on," waterfall says, "Better Zane "waterfall says,

"why must be cute, "Zane asks I smile at them before heading off 

Your POV) "it is nice to not have many others "I say to Cole who was sitting waiting for food "yes " Cole says" You know I think Waterfall seems a bit better "I say as the males bring the food out " okay wheres Jay and Kai, "Waterfall asks.

"Video games, "Lloyd says " so Do I need my dumbcane "waterfall asks, 

I look to him "his not serious "I ask" He is regretfully" Zane says "I don't regret it Jay never remembers it dudes like an um id say goldfish but they have a better memory than him "Waterfall says 

" you think hed know by now what it looks and tastes like " 

"Why do you have dumbcane"Cole asks ,"well I have to show, young'ouns what is not safe to eat"Waterfall says 

Waterfall's POV) I head off to get Kai and Jay, "JAY KAI DINNER COME NOW OR NO FOOD "I shout "sec" Jay says "Jay you have .00000000001 of a sec before Ill make you come " I say my eyes flicker to blood red, 

"well I'm coming "Kai says heading  to the table I turn in to a wolf a drag Jay to the table "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHELP NO HELPIMA GOING TO DIE "Jay shouts thashing around I drop Jay 


"Uhg Jay his no even holding you "Cole says "oh um hehe "Jay says getting up I roll my eyes 

Your POV) I laugh  

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