Chapter 64: The Endless Eight - Part 10

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A/N: Hello everyone and happy Christmas eve/Christmas day! While I don't have a holiday themed chapter you all, I do have the continuation of the series! I have been reading a lot of comments and I've seen some on the motives of certain characters being questioned. Well, don't worry, everything will tie up in the end. Just like the WN of Re:Zero, these chapter's aren't written on the fly, but rather the motives and actions are pre-planned and written out well in advance. What I'm getting at is, it'll all both make sense, and surprise you in the end.

But without further delay, a chapter with plenty of action!


Chapter 64: The Endless Eight – Part 10

???: Oh, there you two are.

After having spent so long in the pond area with no one else around, the echo of a new, yet familiar voice startled them both slightly, even if it did sound like a silver bell.

The sound of the light taping of her shoes across the cobbled stone footpath of the koi gardens signaled her approach. Putting her hands on her hip, but smiling nonetheless, the half elf was happy to see them both.

Emilia: We were looking for you both... But you two weren't the only thing we were looking for either...

Coming up in tow of Emilia was a disgruntled Subaru. Arms crossed, as something was clearly bothering him.

He 'lost' his yukata, didn't he?

Emilia: Unfortunately, it seems Subaru has misplaced his festival outfit.

Subaru: Emilia-tan! I told you I didn't 'misplace' it! Someone had to have— ye-ouch!!

Grabbing him by the ear, Emilia cut off Subaru's honest plea of innocence.

Emilia: We both tried looking, but we weren't able to come up with anything... And I reeeeeally need some time to prepare for the speech, so Rem—

Letting go of Subaru's ear, Emilia put her hands together, getting ready to make a request.

Emilia: Could you please try and help Subaru find his outfit before the festival starts?

Standing, Rem bowed at her superior's command.

Rem: Yes, Emilia-sama.

Taking a glance back at YN, the sun reflecting off the pond bounced off Rem's one visible eye, giving him the message she had something in mind, a way to help him while she was gone. An opportunity found.

Rem: Subaru-kun, where did you last have it? Let us try looking there.

Subaru: Uhh, well, it was when I changed back into these clothes, so the changing room, but we already checked there and—

Rem: We shall start there then!

Following her goal, Rem and Subaru went off in search of his yukata, despite her and YN knowing exactly where it was.

With both of them back inside, only Emilia and YN were left in the koi garden together.

Going to stand, YN tried to go find something better to do.

YN: Well, I think I might go check out the—

Emilia: Wait.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Emilia halted YN's motion, and sat him back down.

Emilia: Can I ask something of you too?

YN: Um, of course Emilia-sama.

Smiling at his agreement, Emilia sat next to YN on the bench where Rem had just been. Giving him a weak smile, Emilia's ears turned a slight hue of pink as she spoke.

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