Chapter 123: Season Of The Witch

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Chapter 123: Season Of The Witch

YN: — — —

His consciousness floating in a soupy black nothingness, YN knew well and true that something had made Subaru perish, causing the world that had unfolded to cease to exist.

Reflecting back on it, YN truly hadn't conceived how monumental Rem's erasure had been to not just him, even having remembered her, but to others as well.

Ram's entire memory of their own relationship had been completely altered and changed; the former themes and motives behind it becoming warped to the point it was almost like living in a different future than he had worked to achieve.

While what Ram had said to me at the end there has been unspoken, and even though Roswaal will be alive again, it seems the only thing standing between Ram and saying her new, truest feelings is just one catastrophic event, like Roswaal dying...

Obviously a Loop with Roswaal dying would be unacceptable. His backing was needed for Emilia to have any chance at winning the Royal Selection, as well as preventing any other headache his loss would cause.

He might be a massive scumbag for setting all that shit up, but we still need him.

Perhaps some kind of hold or control could be put over him... A check to balance the power of the camp and keep Roswaal from doing whatever he pleased.

But for now, that wouldn't be something YN could devote much time to—

???: It is rude to invite yourself to a Witch's Tea Party.

The moment his mind began to drift back into what felt like his body, where he believed he'd still be lying on the damp, dirty floor of the Tomb, a sinisterly familiar voice sounded out from all directions.

Where have I heard that voice before...?

Soon enough, YN would find out...


Subaru: AAAAHHH!!

YN: Whaaa?!

Quickly lifting his head from the ground, YN was forced to squint and shield his eyes from his bright surroundings as nearby, Subaru yelled out in distress.

What the hell?? A new Return point?!

Trying to get a handle on his situation, YN went to brace himself to stand. Doing so though, his hand felt an unfamiliar sensation.

YN: —?!

At first recoiling his palm at the unexpected feeling, it was at least familiar enough that he returned his hand to let it inspect the sensation once more.


Running his fingers through the blades, YN managed to open his eyes enough to look square at the ground, and was greeted by a lush, green lawn he was now sitting on.

YN: Where is this—?

Subaru: *Cough* *Gag* *Cough*

Still, as if dying off to his other side though, Subaru was on all fours, spitting into the lawn and hyperventilating between dry-heaves.

YN: Woah-Woah, hey.

Squinting still, YN navigated to Subaru's side on his knees and patted him on the back.

YN: Take it easy, Subaru. Deep breaths.

Following his guidance, the black-haired boy sat back, sitting up and fanned himself while trying to breathe in a more relaxed fashion.

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