For My Daughter (Part 2)

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(I got this idea from the user @nonom74) 

(Skylar's Pov)

i was happily waiting for the garlic bread to be done toasting while I let my adorable daughter eat her spaghetti with meatballs. I look at my daughter as she happily eats her food with such a bright smile. I know she is hiding her feeling about her father. Lilliana never talked ill about anyone before, she only sees the good in people. Which gives me more reason to protect her from the forces of the outside world who would have nothing but hurt her.

"How's you food honey?"

I asked as I couldn't stop smiling at my adorable daughter. Her cheeks were like a chipmunks when they stuff themselves with nuts. In one swallow she was able to swallow all of the contents in her mouth.


My baby yelled as she quickly ran up to the pot to grab seconds.

"Can I have seconds please?"

Lilliana said as she about to jump up and down like a spring. God she is so cute, thank you God for blessing me with a adorable and kind daughter.

"Of course sweetie."

I put more food in her bowl as I went to the the toaster to grab a piece of garlic bread. I place it in her bowl much to her happiness. I grab my bowl and placed the food in the bowl. Afterwards I took a seat in front of my baby. Eating the contents while never batting my eye away from my daughter. Her face was extremely messy with spaghetti sauce, I couldn't help but giggle.

"Honey can you stop eating for a second."

Of course my Lilliana stopped eating as I leaned towards her with the napkin and playfully remove the sauce off of my baby, her giggles making me smile even more. Once I got got back to my seat my baby was giggling even more.

"Thank you silly mommy!"

She happily said as she went back to giggling. My face went red at being called that. The amount of positive emotions she makes me go through. I diverted my attention back to eating. Once we got done eating my baby was helping me put everything away. I'm grateful that my daughter is always happy to help me. Once we got done my baby ran to her room to choose a movie. It was tradition to watch a movie on a Friday night before she has to go to bed. It was cute on how she always make her bed into a cute comfy nest. Then afterwards I can snuggle deep into her as she usually sleeps halfway through the movie. At least it gives me a excuse to sleep with my daughter. Before I could join her upstairs I heard someone knocking at the front door. Walking towards the door I opened the door.


I said as I look at the person. It was him....It was Brian, my ex husband. I was furious, why is this ass here.

"Why the hell are you here."

I said as I was holding back my anger for my daughter. he opened his mouth and I already getting mad.

"Thank you!"

He bowed repeatedly as I looked on with disgust.

"I just want to see my daughter....I just want to say sorry to her. Plea."

" are not welcomed here. YOU will not touch, talk, listen or do anything with her. You are lucky I don't kill you right here and now."

I interrupted him. Thankfully as I approached him he started to back away. Quickly closing the door and locking it along with placing a door bar on it to make sure he doesn't try anything with my baby girl. Tomorrow I will have to make sure that she doesn't go outside this house so he doesn't hurt her again. Quickly going upstairs to my baby's room I see her ready for me to sit down next to her. So I happily accepted the invitation.  Snuggling close to my daughter I couldn't really care about the movie but I pretended to watch to make her happy. It didn't even last a minute before she passed out. God this is so perfect...if only that asshole didn't appeared. Now I can't sleep without worrying that ass trying to scheme something.


I thought to myself as a smile crept and spread to my face. I'll just get it over with tomorrow. I don't want to risk anything bad happening to my baby. Pulling out my phone I started to text my daughter in law to make sure that this goes well. If I do this there will no going back.

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