2nd Chance

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"I didn't mean it....Please come back."

The lady said as she fell, crawling to a tombstone and just begged and begged. He would never come back, not after what she has done to lead him to did what he did. An fury of emotions went through her head, Anger, sadness, guilt, etc etc. She still tried though, she tried and tried through different means to bring back her love...to restart, to atone her sins. Her makeup was falling out....it was his favorite yet and it couldn't withstand the barrage of tears that were assaulting it. 

"I did it honey......you were suppose to come back."

This time it was with anger. Never at him though but that the world, the people and the odd rituals she did. She couldn't take responsibility and blame herself for his death even though she was the one that took the deal to "protect him". No matter what the cause was she committed the sin and for that she will suffer. She was a murderer, not actually killing him with her own hands  through a series of events and really stupid choices.

"I did all the steps so why won't you come back."

This point she was yelling punching the ground, her fists becoming bloody as she just punched away at the dirt. The earth listened as she felt something touch her knee. As If on instinct she started to dig now. Her delusions only thing fueling her as she ignored the bloody hands and just continue to move the dirt out of the way. 

With a gasp of breath she is directly faced to faced with him. He looked so dead yet so alive, his hair, skin covered in dirt and other grime but it looked so alive. His eyes dead, as if there was all life gone from them. Tears fall from her eyes as she got him free. Yanking him off of the earth through pure willpower and adrenaline. She carried him like he did at their wedding and ran with all of her remaining energy to her car.  

She just drove off to their home. She has unfinished business in her house which she wants her husband to see. To see that she was in fact repenting for her sins but for now she will bask in his presence. Reaching to the house she quickly unlocked the door before rushing back to the car and carrying him to the bed. Locking the front door she instantly began undressing revealing the many scars she inflicted upon herself. She used to have long hair but ever since he died the first time she completely cut it off. Of course it slowly grew back but it didn't even passed her head as it was still short in women standards. That bastard of a manager loved her long hair so she made sure he would always see it when it came to punishment.

But before she would in act heavenly punishment she would make sure she would get her scent all over her "husband". She looked as she was already done undressing her "husband" during her violent self imposed punishment. HE didn't move or made noise but she was ok with that, HE was here so that all that matters for her. She will rebuild her "husband" with each small step. Making sure she secures her "lover"  she lays on top of him. Placing her head on his beating heart she fell asleep to the sounds of his heartbeat while he fell asleep long ago. Ready to show her "husband" that she will forever be his and he will forever be hers. Broken or fixed.

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