I Promise (part 1)

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The little girl was engulfed in a massive hug by her mother as the kid shakes and screams from a nightmare she haves. Pure malice was written all over the mother face as she was slowly calming the girl. The anger wasn't directed towards the kid, she could never hate her new child. It was directed towards her sister who sexually abused this small innocent kid. She was always a rain of sunshine whenever she visited her sister so to her it was mind boggling that her own sister would do something so monstrous to her niece. Whispering reassurances to her niece while using her pointe finger to draw 8's on her body was working. Her screams and shaking reduced to a now peaceful sleep after 10 minutes.  Looking at her her now peaceful form she made a promise to herself and to her niece. 

"I promise to protect you. To be the mother you deserve."

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