Without thinking, I surged to my feet, the shock of seeing my former social worker giving way to unbridled rage. It was this woman, this creature, that forced me to go to homes where I was subjected to nothing but neglect and abuse, where I'd come close to dying, where she never, not once, not one time believed me when I told her about what I was going through despite seeing the bruises, the scars, the emotional pain.

I started to storm over to her, my vision red. I heard Anna and Sarah calling my name but their voices were reduced to a dull noise. Everything around me was reduced to nothing more than dull background noises.

I had no idea what I was going to do once I reached Gretchen, but my anger was bubbling to the surface, threatening to be unleashed.

Before I could reach her, Gretchen shot up and ran out of the cafe, nearly knocking Zack over in the process.

I wanted to run after her, to rip her to shreds, but a small sliver of logic slithered its way back into my mind, telling me that it would only result in me being put in jail, that there was no use in harming her now, it would do no good.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm down, willing my heart to slow down. After several minutes, the red in my vision slowly faded away.

I looked around and saw that everyone in the cafe was staring at me.

Mortification flooded through me. My face turned what I assumed was a nice shade of red. I ran into the girl's bathroom, startling two women that were standing in front of the mirrors applying their makeup. They took one look at my face and bolted out of there.

I braced my hands on the counter, my head lowered, taking in shaky breaths.

I'd never thought I'd have to see that woman again. I thought that once Eric and I escaped the Tucker's house that we'd be able to put everything behind us and never have to worry about ever facing those people again. 

Memories came flooding back all at once. So many horrible memories.

I'd never forgiven Gretchen for forcing me into those homes, for allowing me to face all that abuse, for never giving me the chance to have a normal childhood, for never listening to my cries for help. 

Tears streamed down my face and I closed my eyes, wishing Eric was here. He was the only person who truly understood me. He was the only person in the world that I would allow in, to see the true me. I wished he were here to tell me everything was okay, that I would be okay, that that woman would never harm me again.

I tried to block out the memories, to not let them consume me, but they were coming at me full force and it was crushing me.

I sank for my knees, all the strength leaving me.

I heard the door open behind me. I didn't look up.

"Ava?" Sarah's soft voice reached my ears.

I finally looked over my shoulder to see Sarah standing behind me, staring down at me with concern.

She kneeled beside me. "Are you okay?"

I could only shake my head, my throat too closed up to speak. She sat with me until I was able to speak.

"She was my social worker," I said, my voice scratchy and raw.

"From the foster system?"

"What do you think?" I snapped.

She held her hands up, a hurt expression passing over her face. "Sorry, I. . ."

I sighed and reached over and took her hand. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to snap. Seeing her completely took me by surprise. She put me in all these horrible homes. . ."

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