It took all of my willpower not to fall face-first on the floor due to how much my legs were trembling. In fact, my whole body was trembling violently. I couldn't shake the anxiety and fear at nearly being ripped apart by that thing. My heart was beating dangerously fast to the point I thought I was going to be in cardiac arrest. My chest was so tight I couldn't breathe.

Oxygen wouldn't come into my lungs. My heart wouldn't quit beating like a drum.

I felt like I was going to die.

I stumbled after him and braced myself against the wall, trying to keep standing.

Donald paused and looked over his shoulder at me. He arched a mocking brow. "Is there a problem?"

Rage surged through me and I had an overwhelming urge to rip his face off. "I'm having an effing panic attack, what the hell do you think?" I snarled, bashing my teeth at him, uncaring about how animalistic I no doubt looked and sounded.

Donald crossed his arms over his chest and watched as I hyperventilated and tried to catch my breath, my anxiety soaring through the roof.

After several minutes went by and I wasn't doing any better, he rolled his eyes, roughly grabbed me by my arm, and dragged me to his suite.

"Get yourself together," he hissed at me and banged the door open, startling Anna and Sarah, who were sitting on the couch. "If you fall apart about everything that goes on here, then you're not going to survive."

I yanked my arm away from him and gave him a hateful glare. I was finally starting to calm down but the rage was surging to the surface. I wanted nothing more at that moment than to rip him apart. It was taking all of my willpower not to and he sensed it if the smug smirk he was giving me was any indication.

I shook my head and sat down beside Sarah. Being near my sister helped calm me down but I was still vibrating with rage.

"Donald," Anna said tentatively, darting her eyes back and forth between her husband and I. "He just texted and said he's here."

Donald extended his arm that Anna warily accepted, still glancing back at me. "Then shall we?"

She nodded and they walked out of the room.

The second they were gone, Sarah leaned towards me and asked, "What happened?"

I hesitated to tell her - she had enough stress in her life and telling her this would probably only scare her even more - but she would probably find out soon enough and it wasn't fair to keep her in the dark. I told her what happened not even thirty minutes ago.

She looked like she was going to be sick. "Oh my God. . ."

I grabbed her hand. "Just try to keep calm, okay?"

"How can I keep calm when there's a freaky ass thing in my father's office?!" she nearly shouted.

"I know," I said gently. "But we can't break apart right now, not when there's so much at stake. We need to be calm and. . ."

"And what?"

"I don't know, but we just need to be calm. We need to try to figure out how he did this, but do not, I repeat, do not open that chest."

She shuddered. "Believe me, I won't."

"And don't mention it to anyone."

"I won't."

I sighed and rubbed my temples. A blinding headache was starting to form. "Every time I think things can't get any shittier, it does."

She rubbed my shoulder gently. "You need a vacation once this is all over."

"So do you."

We were silent for a long moment.

"Have you come up with any plans to get us out of this?" she asked.

I shook my head. "I don't even know where to begin."

"I really think we need to be trying to escape."

"There's prisoners here that I promised Morgan I'd help escape. I can't leave them there."

"Wait - Morgan? As in Morgan James?"

I winced. "Shit."

"You're helping Morgan?"

"Shh!" I clapped my hand over her mouth and looked over at the door in case Donald and Anna walked in. Sarah tried to push me off of her but I tightened my grip, trying to make sure no one overheard us.

When I was sure there was no one there, I looked back at Sarah and hastily yanked my hand away. I'd also been covering her nose.

She gasped for air and glared at me. "Geez, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm so sorry," I said. "I didn't want them to hear us."

"Maybe next time, not suffocate me to death?"

"I really am sorry."

She rolled her eyes but asked, "So how did you and you know who happened?"

"I don't want to say anything more. I don't want you to get involved."

She rolled her eyes again so hard I thought they'd roll out of her head. "I'm already involved, Ava. You might as well just tell me what's going on right now."

I took a deep breath. "I will, I promise - but not right now. Later. When we have time alone."

"Time alone isn't a given thing. You need to tell me now or else -"

The doors opened and we both clamped our mouths shut, praying no one heard any part of our conversation. Donald and Anna walked in, followed by their guest. When I saw who the guest was, relief flowed through me. At least it seemed like something good was finally happening. Sarah and I stood as they stopped in front of us.

"Sarah, Ava," Donald said and gestured toward the guest. "This is a family friend, Bryan Nash."

Bryan gave us his most charming smile that would've made any other girl swoon. "Hi Ava, Sarah, it's nice to meet you."

EDITED: 2/2/22

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