New game

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Another day another morning , going to the same old store and this time you see a new game on sale.

It's called "FNAF security breach" it sounds and looks cool , you notice alot of people in the store for that new game on sale....

It must be good if many people wants to buy it..

You go inside the store notice that there is only one left in stock and there's people fighting for it...

You took the game because they were fighting so much that they didn't even notice you taking it...

You made sure you had money in your pocket so you can pay but you remembered that the cashier gave you a coupon so you decide to use that...

You wait in line with the game in your hands and your social anxiety self is sweating so much...

You decide to look around and pretend your looking for other things while waiting for the line to clear , while waiting you notice the people that was fighting is now looking for the game.

You decide to hide it in your hoodie so they wouldn't see it..

The line cleared so as you walk to the cashier a crowd pushed you over as they ask cashier to look for another game..

Cashier tells the crowd that there was only one left and that they should have took it immidiently and payed for it instead of fighting..

The crowd rushed out of the store , you continue your walk to the cashier.

"Ah! Hello Y/N welcome back I see you took that game , Glad you hid it."

You gave cashier to scan the item and you give the coupon.

"Ah! Your using that coupon I gave you , so this is gonna be 50% off so it's 53.20."

Your about to pay but you realized that you only have 30$ with you.

"Not enough money? sad , if you kiss me I'll give it to you for free."

You get embarrassed because people will prob see you kissing the cashier...... But you do it anyways because you wanna try the game out....

The cashier turns red because he didn't think that you would actually do it..

You leave while turning red , return home and your dad looks confused about why your red...

"What's wrong sweetie , why are you red? wait..... Did you kiss a guy?....or a girl?"

You told your dad the truth and he starts to freak out.


You asked him to calm down and told him that you won't have sex with the cashier..

Your that tells you your grounded for 1 month  , you don't care because the cashier will prob stalk you again like always..

You try out the game and gets addicted by it and you start to play it every single day..

Cashier x reader ⚠️Yandere?⚠️Where stories live. Discover now