Chapter 3

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*Lexus POV*

As I follow the teachers directions through the hallway I come across an older group of kids leaning against the walls and sitting on the floor holding rolled up paper with orange on the end of them.  As I get closer too them they turn around and notice me
"Hey hey hey, look what we have here guys, a little first year wanting too go too the playground,"  the meanest looking person said too his friends, snickering
"Can you let me through please I want too get a good look at the playground before school starts," I ask hopefully politely
"What do ya think boys, do we let her through?" The meanest says, the boys shake their heads
"Actually, let's be nice THIS time, next time we won't be so lenient, watch your back little one," the mean one says cackiling like a crow, the other boys look at him, slightly disappointed but amused, they part too make a walkway for me too get through too the playground.

As I'm walking I see a water fountain and I remembered the teacher said left, the hand that makes an 'L', at the water fountain, so I do, as I continue walking down the corridor I see a big pair of red double doors that I recognised from when I was passing by the chain link fence earlier in the day.
"Finally!" I muttered too myself as I pushed the doors open, revealing a huge and colourful area where kids were running around and chasing each other, playing with a ball, jumping on one foot through numbered squares, and swinging on the chained seats I saw earlier.  I go to the angled bit of metal and walk too the back too see a ladder, so I climb the ladder too the top of the slanted metal and sat down and pushed off from the wooden ladder, sliding down the metal easily landing at the bottom on my feet.  That was fun I thought too my self, I then walked over too the seats on chains and sat down, not knowing how they worked, then someone came up behind me and gave me a push and the seat with chains moved forwards then back again and another push and it went higher this time,
"Extend your legs when the swing goes forwards then bend them when it comes back!" Shouted the person pushing me on the thing they called a "swing", so as I went forwards I stretched my legs and as I came back I tucked them under the swing, I repeated this motion and realized the person stopped pushing me and I was using the "swing" on my own, but my legs started getting tired so I started to slow down by not extending my legs when the swing went forward, eventually it came too a stop and I got off of the swing just as a bell rung and the other kids went inside too their classrooms, so I headed too mine too met the rest of my class.

A/N: sorry if this one seems short, its kinda just a filler, like most of the beginning ones will be as I work up too my main idea,  please let me know if you have any suggestions or if you want too be added Into the story in some way shape or form just let me know what your hair and eye colour is or what you want it too be, your gender, and your body type. But other than that, bye!

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