~Chapter 1~

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Deadkit strained through the fresh snow blanket, hopping through it from the nursery where Hazelfade was following. The dawn hunting patrol was just returning with very scarce findings. A scrawny mouse, two rabbits, one of which was semi-plump, and a few birds. Hazelfade approached his side, leaning down to nuzzle him.

"Are you hungry, Deadkit?" She asked softly. Her mate, Pinewillow, looked at her from the fresh kill pile with exhausted eyes. Deadkit looked to him, then to Hazelfade.

"Can I hunt like Pinewillow does? I'll get us plenty of prey!" He chirped. Hazelfade chuckled lightly, guiding him toward the freshkill pile with her paw.

"Once you're six moons, you can join Treepaw and Dustpaw and hunt all you want," she said. Hollykit, Owlshade's kit, followed close behind.

"What about me?" She squeaked, racing to catch up.

"Yes, you too. Just a few more moons. Newleaf will welcome you two warmly," She purred. The pile seemed less miserable up close, but for Deadkit, the freshkill was still big.

"Wow!" He exclaimed, nosing at one of the rabbits. "This one is as big as me! Can we have it?" His golden eyes darted to Hollykit. Hazelfade's brow furrowed with concern as she gazed around the clearing.

"We can all share it. It's big enough." She chuckled, masking her nervousness. Deadkit leapt with joy, dragging it by its scruff. The snow made it heavier as it dragged and within moments, the kit was worn out. Hazelfade let out a mrroow of amusement.

"Careful, my little warrior," she meowed. "I can carry it for you."

"No thank you!" He responded quickly, recollecting himself to drag it again. It felt like fire was burning every muscle in his little body by the time he reached the nursery clearing, and he dropped the rabbit. Hollykit bounded to his side, her mother waking from within the den.

"Wow! How did you do that?" She gaped, messing with its tail. Owlshade came from the nursery, stretching.

Deadkit hid his panting, chest puffed. "I used my warrior strength," he almost wheezed. Owlshade sniffed the rabbit from between the two, eyeing the pile from across the camp. He followed her gaze, seeing other cats plucking pieces of prey for different clan members. His brothers, Treepaw and Dustpaw, were sharing two of the birds with Spidernose and Rosepond, chatting amongst themselves. Rainstar was watching from his den, speaking low with his mate and deputy, Tansyheart and Webfur.

Deadkit began eating beside Hollykit while Owlshade and Hazelfade went some distance away, also murmuring.

"Are they alright?" He asked behind a mouthful. Hollykit seemed distracted but responded short and swiftly.

"I think so," she mewed, taking more of the rabbit in her mouth. Deadkit did the same, straining his ears to hear the two queens' conversation.

"—how we'll make it to green leaf like this.." Owlshade meowed quietly.

"I understand your concern.. everyone seems to believe Deadkit joining didn't help. But he's just a kit!"

"I understand that. He's the only company for Hollykit. We're in too deep now."

"Agreed.. We've made it many seasons before this one leafbare. It should start warming up over the next moon..."

Deadkit didn't care to listen anymore as his pelt burned with dread. He knew that Hazelfade wasn't his real mother, but she'd always treated him like he was her kit. The rest of the clan, including his brothers, behaved as if he doesn't exist.

Deadkit took a few more bites before tucking his paws beneath his chest. Hollykit was already cleaning herself inside the nursery as the two queens returned to the den's clearing. Hazelfade grabbed the remaining rabbit, smiling as softly as ever to him before she laid beside him. He fluffed his fur against the cold wind as he glanced around the clearing, Hazelfade eating the last of the rabbit. Rainstar had retreated into his den as the border patrol entered with Featherbloom at the lead. Her apprentice, Beepaw, followed behind the patrol consisting of Thrushpool, Goldenfoot and Coalstripe.

The Wounded Compass #1: Deepest Shadows [Warriors Fan Series]Where stories live. Discover now