~Chapter 9~

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Deadpaw pressed low to the ground, the dawn sky illuminating bright. His tail flicked to either side of him, prompting Mellowflower and Bonetooth stalk at his flanks. Ahead, a small cluster of rabbits were scrapping for dominance, too concentrated to note the impending dangers. Deadpaw lifted his muzzle, opening his mouth to feel the direction of the crisp leaf-fall wind. Head on. Satisfaction fluttered in his belly as he signaled for Hollypaw, who was waiting at the other side, to send her scent to the prey.

They froze, their long ears shooting up as they scattered away from Hollypaw. She burst from the trees, herding them directly to the three toms. Mellowflower lunged toward one rabbit, bringing a powerful paw on it before delivering the killblow. Deadpaw heard him silently thank Starclan before the bushes to his other side rustled, a curdling squeak coming from where Bonetooth raised his head a moment later. The final rabbit halted, trying to dart in the other direction upon seeing Deadpaw, but he bunched up and pounce.

"That was brilliant, Deadpaw!" Hollypaw chirped as she bounded toward the patrol. Mellowflower approached with a satisfied purr, setting his rabbit down. "That was quite coordinated," He said, nudging the rabbit. "These will feed the clan quite nicely." Bonetooth added his rabbit to the pile, sitting and nodding in a stoic fashion.

"You did well, Deadpaw. As well as any warrior would have done leading a patrol," His meow rumbled lowly. "How would you like it if I made these results your assessment?"

Deadpaw gaped, his eyes glittering at his mentor. In the moon and a half since Bonetooth had been assigned his new mentor, Deadpaw had more confidence. More of a strong figure to help him recognize his strengths and build his capabilities.

"A-are you serious?" He stuttered after a short pause. Mellowflower purred, Hollypaw right beside him with soft eyes.

"I think I agree with Bonetooth on this one. It's time you received your warrior name, Deadpaw." His heart leapt from his chest as Mellowflower uttered those words. The light from the rising sun was already piercing through the trees, and he straightened out.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Hollypaw nudged her mentor, excitement in her trot as she scooped up one of the rabbits. "We've got more to pick up anyways!" Mellowflower followed, looking to Deadpaw with approval as he grabbed a rabbit and passed by. Bonetooth took the last rabbit, a small glint in his eye that made Deadpaw's chest flutter. I'm seriously going to be made a warrior? He thought, disbelief gripping him as he followed the patrol.

The entire prospect seemed unreal up until they got to camp. Bonetooth had already raced ahead to speak to Rainstar, his rabbit laying in the pile. Upon entering camp, Hollypaw ran up to drop her rabbit as well before approaching him again. Mellowflower eased to Hollypaw's side, dropping the third rabbit.

"I'm so proud of you, Deadpaw!" She purred, nuzzling his neck fur. His face flushed as he looked to Mellowflower. His eyes showed joy as he gave the two space to join Bonetooth. "You were amazing back there! It felt like I was being directed by a true warrior!"

Deadpaw shuffled his paws, looking past Hollypaw to see his old menor, Goldenfoot, beaming at him. Her belly was heavy with kits, making her look unlike anything he's seen from her. She looked at her mate, Mellowflower, who was also speaking to Rainstar. The leader peered between the warriors, looking straight at Deadpaw before nodding.

"He agreed.." Deadpaw breathed, eyes wide as Rainstar scraped up the pinebranch. Hollypaw was trembling with excitement as she shoved him playfully.

"Come on!" She purred, leading the way as she meowed over her shoulder. "Warriors don't make themselves!" Deadpaw followed, tail twitching nervously.

The Wounded Compass #1: Deepest Shadows [Warriors Fan Series]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora