~Chapter 2~

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The wind drifted through the moonlit forest, ruffling Coldwing's pelt. The lake was lapping gently at the shore line he was trotting along, scents flowing from Thunderclan's border. He tried to hurry along, hoping a patrol wouldn't take the opportunity to slow him down. Far ahead, he caught the familiar glow of Frizzlestep and Quailtuft, the Thunderclan medicine cats. Hopefully any potential patrol would let me be... 

He had reached the stream trickling along the border of Thunderclan and Windclan, seeing Goosewing and Hollowpaw hurrying up the shore not far back. Coldwing waited for them, eyeing the position of the half-moon. When they caught up, the Windclan medicine cats greeting Coldwing warmly, though they were tense. 

"Greetings, Coldwing," Goosewing mewed, leading the way upstream. "Is all well in Shadowclan?"

"As well as it can be," He responded warmly. "I can already feel newleaf creeping up in the wind, though it is chilly tonight. Is prey running well?"

The two medicine cats discussed recent treatments and cases, and Goosewing recounted how well Hollowpaw handled a small whitecough case. By the time they reached the Moonpool, all of the other medicine cats were waiting. Frizzlestep and Quailtuft of Thunderclan, Silvershine and Flamepool of Riverclan, and Pigeonfin of Skyclan. They exchanged brief greetings before approaching the edge of the starlit water. 

"Let us share with Starclan," The elderly Thunderclan medicine cat announced. With grunts of agreement, they all touched their noses to the Moonpool. Coldwing followed, feeling a freezing shock rip up his spine.

He opened his yellow eyes, looking around to find himself in a field of swaying long grass. Coldwing took in the sights every time, never getting used to the radiance. A dark shape beside him shook his focus and he turned, standing face to face with a faceless cat. He gasped in horror, rearing back and falling to his haunches. The cat moved closer as Coldwing backed up, heart racing. Then the face opened its blood red eyes, as if from they came from nowhere, and spoke.

"The eyes of the dead protect their own path." The words echoed around him, as if dozens of voices were speaking at once. Coldwing looked around for a source, glancing back at the faceless cat. It's silhouetted figure became malleable, shaping into a grey cat with hazel eyes.

"Boulderdust!" Coldwing recognized his former mentor, running to him. "What's happening? What does this mean?" He asked frantically. Boulderdust didn't move, only looked past the medicine cat.

"The eyes of the dead protect their own path."  The former medicine cat repeated flatly. Coldwing followed his gaze, looking behind him. His heart fell to the tip of his tail as he saw the starlit field up in flames. 

"No.... NO!" He cried, turning back. Boulderdust was gone, and the fire closed around him in a ring shape. Coldwing breathed heavily, looking for an escape though there was none. He curled up, covering his head with his paws and shutting his eyes tightly.

He awoke by the moonpool with a gasp, jumping up to his paws. Around him, the other medicine cats were eyeing him with concern. 

"Coldwing, what did you see?" Quailtuft asked, worried glances transferring to one another behind her.

Coldwing took in a few deep breaths, gulping. "I got a prophecy... we have to go.... now."

Rainstar's ears pressed as Coldwing repeated the prophecy to him. Deadkit was outside, playing in the morning sun with Hollykit as Owlshade watched on suspiciously. 

"Well... what could this possibly mean for our clan? What could it mean in general?" Rainstar asked, a frown growing on his face. Coldwing's tail twitched anxiously as he shook his head. 

The Wounded Compass #1: Deepest Shadows [Warriors Fan Series]Where stories live. Discover now