~Chapter 8~

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Coldwing laid the borage in front of Owlshade as she groomed her newborn kits. The three kits cried out pathetically, toppling over one another in a blind effort to nurse.

"They're all healthy, thank Starclan," He said as she ate the flowers. Bonetooth was laying at her side, purring loud as he licked the kits. "I hope you two have come up with names."

"Let's name this black tom Crowkit," Bonetooth said, his tail perked happily. Owlshade agreed, licking Crowkit.

"And this she-cat can be Shadekit, and the other tom can be Badgerkit." The queen uttered softly as the kits settled. Coldwing's eyes softened seeing another healthy litter in his den, bringing more life to the clan as greenleaf peaked.

"Let me get you something to eat, Owlshade," the medicine cat got to his paws, padding out as the queen and her mate cooed at their new arrivals. In the clearing, Molekit, Sootkit and Adderkit were playing an energetic game of tag, darting around rapidly between passing warriors. Freekit watched from afar while Tansyheart was grooming Rainstar, his eyes landing on the medicine cat.

Coldwing looked back to the tom, who seemed mildly disturbed, with his ear cocked. Freekit's eyes traveled to Deadpaw, who was looking into blank space while murmuring. He took in a sharp breath, approaching Freekit as he spoke up.

"Who's that cat he's talking to?" The tom asked, his eyes not leaving Deadpaw. Coldwing glanced back to the apprentice, thinking he missed sight of a smaller cat, but no one was there to receive Deadpaw's hushed words.

"What cat are you talking about? I don't see anyone," he said to the kit. Freekit looked at Coldwing in alarm, his tail twitching.

"You don't see it?" He asked desperately. Coldwing pressed his ears back, seeming a little perturbed. "It's right in front of him. I don't recognize them.."

Coldwing decided to take in the young cat's observation, settling in front of him. "What do they look like?" He asked quietly. Freekit pinned his ears back, letting his eyes dart to Deadpaw.

"It's a black cat... with red eyes..." he whispered. "I'm scared for Deadpaw.." The hairs along Coldwing's spine lifted as Freekit described it.

"S-.... surely there has to be a mistake..." He sputtered anxiously. "How can you see it?"

Freekit stared at the empty space in front of Deadpaw. "I don't know.. but they're right there... and they don't look like the sparkly cats I've seen..." Coldwing flexed his claws into the dirt, looking at the apprentice. By this point, he seemed to dip his head as he stood, padding away from the spot he was muttering at just moments prior. Then another thought crossed his mind.

"Wait, Freekit, you said you were seeing sparkly cats?" Coldwing inquired a bit eagerly. The kit nodded.

"They come to me in my dreams most times... they showed me the cat Deadpaw is talking to but I don't know anything else about them. And I'm too scared to talk to them, either."

Coldwing pondered for a moment, seeing this as an opportunity. "Here, come with me." He gently guided the tom toward where Rainstar and Tansyheart were relaxing, clearing his throat to get their attention. Rainstar lifted his head, eyeing the medicine cat curiously.

"Coldwing. Is everything okay with my son?" The leader looked down to Freekit, who was shuffling his paws nervously. Coldwing perked a bit, nodding.

"Everything is fine with him. However, he's just told me something quite fascinating..." He said in a hushed tone. Tansyheart raised herself a bit, looking between the two, and Rainstar beckoned them into his den.

Freekit followed nervously, though Coldwing knew he was scared to see the mystery cat. Rainstar settled in his nest, Tansyheart at his side.

"Now what is it he's told you? Nothing bad, I hope?" Rainstar wrapped his tail around his paws, seeming to shrink himself with tension.

"I have reason to believe that Starclan has shown Freekit pieces of the prophecy," Coldwing stated bluntly. Rainstar's eyes widened as he continued. "Starclan has shown him what that shadow cat looks like.. and apparently, he saw it talking to Deadpaw. I couldn't see it, however, but apparently both Freekit and Deadpaw can."

Freekit nodded, approaching his mother who was looking at Rainstar. Almost as if to gauge his reaction. The leader closed his eyes and pinned his ears back.

"On one hand, two of my kits can see a mystery spirit. However, being able to see Starclan is another thing." He stated calmly, resting his gaze on the medicine cat. "Something that is special to a medicine cat."

Coldwing nodded, looking at Freekit. The tom's ears perked with interest, though he was still curled anxiously. "I feel he would be safest becoming my apprentice once he has reached his six moon milestone. The clan could use an extra set of talented paws."

Tansyheart stroked Freekit's flank gently with her tail. "Freekit becoming a medicine cat apprentice?" She purred at the thought. "I'm sure you will need one. You've been running around since Boulderdust went to Starclan."

"I'm gonna be your apprentice?" Freekit seemed to speak up for the first time. Coldwing eyes softened at the kit.

"Would you mind that?" He asked with a slight purr. Freekit shook his head, fur fluffed with excitement.

Rainstar shook his fur out. "Then it's settled. Within the next moon, Freekit will become your apprentice." Coldwing dipped his head.

"I'll save any questions I have for him until he is under my wing," he meowed, excusing himself. Outside of the den, he looked across the camp. Featherbloom was laying in the sun with Thrushpool, Fogkit and Snowkit curled at the queen's belly. Beesplash and Treeclaw had joined Adderkit, Molekit and Sootkit, running after them carefully. Goldenfoot had made herself at home with Hazelfade as she eyed the new queen sideways. Webfur was encircled by Coalstripe, Mellowflower, Witheringstone, Hollypaw and Deadpaw, who were to be assigned on a border patrol. Coldwing stared to Deadpaw for a moment, his ears pressing as he realized. He may have more to do with this than I'd have hoped.

The Wounded Compass #1: Deepest Shadows [Warriors Fan Series]Where stories live. Discover now