time of the month

45 3 0

Each members reaction to Seri being on her period.


"Seri, are you okay?"
"Are you okay?"
"NO my ovaries are trying to KILL ME!!!!"
"I'm sorry what!"
"I'm on my period"
"Oh... What can I do to help?"
"Nothing, I'm okay."
"What kind of chocolate do you like?"
"I said what kind of chocolate do you like? Kiddo, I think you need chocolate"
"Dark chocolate no nuts"
"I'll be back in 15 minutes with chocolate"


Dance practice
It was just me, Lix, and Hyunjin
It was going so well
So very well
Until I sneezed
And I felt Niagra falls.

"Oh shit, guys, I'll be right back"
"What's wrong?"
"I have to use the bathroom" I say, just as a cramp hits. "Shit" I gasp out as I double over, clasping my abdomen.
"Ser, hun, you okay?" Minho asked coming over to me and gently patted my back.
"I'm okay, just have a little bit of a cramp"
"What do you mean?"
"It's... I'm on my period"

They looked at each other nervously. "What can we do to help?"
"Nothing,.it's okay, I just need to go to the bathroom" I quickly ran out.

Minho p.o.v

"Guys, I think she needs to get home"
"Agreed, also when my sister got her period she one time came in and yelled at me. Asking me where the heat pack is. So I think we should get one for her"
"I have one that I use when my leg cramps from dancing, it's in my room, she can use it when we get back."


"Seri, wake up!!!!!"
"Go away"
"You gotta wake up"
"No shut up and get the fuck out of my room"
"YO!!! What the hell is wrong with you, why are you so grumpy."
I felt the tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "I'm sorry hyung"
"Oh, Seri, are you cr-"
"No, no I'm not crying"
I felt the bed dip next to me. "Seri, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry"
"It's not your fault, I'm emotional"
"Why you emotional sweets?"
"I'm on my period and it makes me emotional"
"Do you need a hug?"
"Yes please"
He payed down next to me and opened his arms. I cuddled into his chest. "I'm sorry for making you cry"
"I'm sorry for swearing at you"
"It's alright"

VocalRacha aka maknae line fluff


"Did you eat all the chocolate?"
"Because I needed chocolate"
"Because I needed chocolate"
"But why?"
"Look out Ser bear is in a baaaaad mood today"
""Stop lecturing me and give me a hug"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm never okay, now shut up and give me a hug"
"Angel, what's wrong?"
"My hormones are making me pissed"
"Wait, like are you sexually frustrated?"
"NO!!!!!!! what the heck Hyung!!!!!!!?????!!"
" What!?!?"
"What the hell Hyung!?!? You're crazy! I'm on my period"
"Oh... Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it makes me grumpy, and my stomach is out to kill me, and I'm sad, and I need more chocolate"
"Alright Ser bear, I'll get you more chocolate, but Minnie's gonna stay and cuddle with you"
"Why me!?!!!?"
"Because you bullied her"
"Oh shut up"
"You don't want to cuddle with me!?"
"That's not true, of course I want to cuddle you" he said sitting down in the couch next to me


It got to the end of the interview and the cameras stopped rolling.
Seri had been next to me.
So when she stood up I was concerned when I saw blood where she had been sitting.
"Yes changbinnie Hyung?"
"Why is there blood!?"
"There's blood on the seat!?"
"What's wrong"
"Binnie, I know this is a strange question, but can you please check to see if there is blood on the back of my pants"
"Like your butt!?"
"I mean..... Yes but no"
"You sure!?"

"Um... Yeah... You have blood all over the back of your pants"
"Ser... What's wrong, why are you bleeding?"
"I'm on my period"
"Oh.... Are you okay"
"Yeah, uh ..... Do you want to go get a milkshake with me, I really want a milkshake"
"Sure, my treat"
"You sure Binnie?"
"Oh course, you're literally bleeding out your rear, you need a milkshake"
I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

Guess who's moody and suffering because they're on their period so decided to write about it?!?

Stray kids ninth memberWhere stories live. Discover now