Security breach - Glam Rock Bonnie and the gang: [Roxy and self-esteem]

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Bonnie was the most positive person. When he saw children, adults, the staff even the other band members he gave them pep talks and mountains of compliments. "Leave no Superstar sad" was posted on several of Bonnie's posters. Roxy due to children missing her predecessor Foxy was one of Bonnie's most frequent recipients of pep talks often including "You're the best!", "Everybody's gonna love you", and compliments on her physical design/appearance.

She needed Bonnie's affirmation and on the race track, she would say Bonnie's affirmations to herself to prevent breakdowns and keep herself happy for the kids.

In the wake of Bonnie's accident, the affirmations became too frequent, too aggressive and they began to drive Roxy to the brink of insanity. With Monty closed off and Freddy too depressed to talk, she was left alone most nights in her green room. She would obsessively groom her false hair and repeat her affirmations until she was satisfied and ready to recharge. This created a narcissistic personality disorder and an obsessive-compulsive disorder fearing if she did not do her affirmations before recharge she would perform poorly. And, "Nobody likes a loser"

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