Chapter 11

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Miley's POV

I hope this works. He is the only thing holding my life together. We were on, the roof of the cube house and we're looking over. Will had his camera and was vlogging the sunset. "It really is beautiful. Just like you" he said in his British accent. I blushed and said "it's so red. Like my face." We both laughed together until Isaac called and I answered it. "Guess what Miley. I'm at the pizza place with the boys, and fans are here looking for you! They want you to start a channel and to record!" I handed the phone to Will in shock, letting Isaac tell him the news. "That's amazing! I'm so excited! We can record together babe!" He said as he spread his arms for a hug. I smiled and hugged him back in silence. He took my hair and pulled it to the other side of my head. "Your so beautiful. You don't even know do you? So many people would die to have you. But I'm the luckiest of them all. I would rather have you to date and kiss then any other girl in the world." He whispered as we watched the rest of the sunset. "Hey guys" I heard behind us in a Australian accent. "Hey" we said in sync turning around to see Bee and Isaac, "Wanna go see a movie with us and the other guys" Isaac said trying not to interrupt our moment. We looked at each other and nodded. I helped him up as he still had a broken arm. He had all the cube members sign my purple cast. We all want to the movies and It was a pain to choose a movie we all wanted to watch so we just decided on SpongeBob- Sponge out of Water. It was good but we were surrounded by a ton of 9 year olds it felt like. I want to have kids. I love children. And daymn would Wills and my kids be cute! I'm not ready though. I'm still young and not even old enough to drink. I'm only 16 and I love being young. I never want to grow up. Can will and I and the cube guys all stay young forever? Please! I love them all, but I love Will more then all of them. It was 12 am when the movie finished! Half the kids already left earlier and the other half were passed out from 9 and on. We all went out to eat at Ruby Tuesdays and started walking back to the cube house. I heard footsteps coming up behind me and they sounded like they were in a rush, I turned around expecting it to be Will playing around with me.. Until I saw everyone in front of me. I turned around to see a black shadow with a mask on running towards us all. I screamed and they yelled "EVERYONE STOP BEFORE WE SHOOT THEM!" I had a gun up to my throat and I looked over to my left a little and Will had a knife up to his neck. His sad eyes looked back at me, "let him and them go. Just kill me." I mumbled as the masked men had their eyes scanning us all. "Who are you! Let my friends go!" Bee yelled seriously. "Do you want to die missy?" One of them said as they squinted their eyes at us. "Do you guys happen to be youtubers?" The one with the gun said. "Yes... They all said in sync. "OMG! My daughter loves you guys! Let's make a deal. You sign something, and we let you all go okay?" They all nodded and smiled. The men took off their masks and told us about how there family doesn't have a lot of money and how their daughter wants to go to collage. "Oh. Sorry about that." I said sympathetically, but pissed. The one with the knife handed me a sharpie and a piece of paper. I just passed it to Will assuming that she didn't want my autograph. "What are you doing? She wants yours to!" They said handing it back to me. My face lit up and when we were done, we called a Uber to get back home. It was to dangerous apparently.

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