Chapter 27

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Miley's POV

*SKIP 2 WEEKS - Day of ultra sound*

We walked into the doctors office with pride and they weighed me and assigned me to a bed. "I'm going to rub this goo all over your stomach, it is a little cold but it's for the baby right!" She said cheerfully. We smiled and continued on with the process. We looked at the monitor and saw a little creature forming inside of me. I peeked a look at Will and he was crying. He peeked at me, smiled, and looked back at the screen. "You guys are going to be having a girl! Start thinking of names! Congratulations. Your next ultra sound is in another 4 weeks! " The doctor said as we checked out of the office. I may only be 16, but I'm happy with him, we are mature, and I'm going to be 17 in 3 weeks. I wasn't showing any stomach that was noticeable to me yet.

Miley's POV

*SKIP 3 WEEKS - Day before Miley's Birthday(cube guys went home)

Tomorrows my birthday! I wonder if Will has anything planed! I think I'm showing a little bit and we will need to
tell the rest of the cube squad soon! Will is still going to record and work when the baby is born. "Babe? What are we going to name her?" I asked as we watched a movie. He put his arm around me and said, "Babe. We will think about it when she's born okay?." We smiled and he started to kiss my neck. I could feel him smiling and he started to tickle my stomach and waist. I managed to roll him over so I was on top of him and hovering above him. "Your eyes are green." He said sweetly. I leaned in and collapsed my lips with his. He gently slipped his tongue into my mouth and our movie turned into a make out session. I don't care for movies all that much anyways.

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