Chapter 26

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Thank you so much guys! We've got 13k reads and nearly 14k! Thank you to everyone who's supported me through this book and...yeah!
Also another filler chapter!
Filler chapter = fluff!
Anyways, enjoy!

Ian's P.O.V:

I tapped my foot impatiently on the water stained sidewalk while I waited for my ride. Anthony was supposed to pick me up twenty minutes ago! At first, I was okay with it because it was warm outside. I only had a thin short-sleeved t-shirt on so I didn't overheat but rain. It rain really, really bad! I began getting pissed at the fact my boyfriend hadn't arrived yet. There was nowhere to get shelter so I had to stand out in the freezing cold without a sweatshirt of jacket. I called him and asked where he was, he said he forgot... That was fifteen minutes ago, now I'm soaked to the bone, my phone is dead and I think I might get ammonia. I would walk home but that would take an hour and a half on foot. I would hail a cab but I spent the last of my money on a can of coke and a chocolate bar.

If you haven't noticed...I'm pissed.

I turned my head to the sound of car tires squeal on the wet concrete. There he was, my knight in a football uniform.

He stopped in front of me so I could get in. I opened the door and climbed in, my shoes making a slogging sound as I rested them on the carpeted floor. "Hey baby" he greeted nervously. I threw my bag into the back and strapped myself in. I crossed my arms and stared out of the window. "Oh come on, babe!" Anthony pleaded. "Twenty minutes. I'm fucking freezing and I'm late for a really important family dinner!" I yelled. He sighed and started the engine.

It was silent the whole car ride until we stopped outside my house. He leaned over and took my face his hands so I'd look at him. "Look, Ian, I'm sorry okay?!" Anthony looked desperate for forgiveness, but I wasn't giving up that easily. "Beg all you want. I told you how important today was! All I needed was for you to get me home on time. What were you even doing that you were late anyway?" "Well... I kind of got I trouble with coach so he mad me do a bunch of work out shit-" "What did you do?" I asked. His cheeks flushed a bright red and he looked down. "I was kinda thinking" he mumbled. My heart stopped. My stomach began doing backflips. "Awe! You're a sweetie!" I pinched his cheeks. He swatted my hands away and pulled me into a kiss.

I gently pulled back before we got too carried away. "By the way, my mom wants you over to have dinner tomorrow" I informed.

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