Chapter 4

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Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend Shannon :)

Enjoy !

Anthony's POV:

------At Lunch-----

I walked towards my usual table and sat down. "Hey, Anthony ?" I looked up from my phone, to see a scared Felix. "Yeah, what's up ?" I asked concerned. "Em...... you're not gonna like this", "Okey". He sighed, "Ian is eating lunch with the new kid" I felt anger pull at me will sadness washed over me. "Where ?" I growled, Felix pointed towards a shaded area. And there sat MY BOYFRIEND WITH ANOTHER GUY! I tried to suppress my anger before I went over to them. I started walking, clenching my fist's until my knuckles were white, I gritted my teeth. Before I reached them I plastered a fake smile on my face, "Hey Ian" I sat down beside him, "Oh, hi" he smiled. "Anthony this is Ethan, Ethan this is Anthony" 'Aw, to cute'. Ethan put his hand our, indicating he wanted to shake hands, I ignored this and turned my attention to Ian who was giving me a death glare, not smiling anymore. "Ian ?" I locked eye's with him, I continued "do you wanna come over to mine later ?". "Em... okey". Awkward silence. "I'm just gonna go dump my food" Ethan said smiled before standing up and leaving.

"WHAT was that about ?" Ian growled. Shit he's pissed. "Em..... I don't know what you're talking about ?" I tried to act confused. "You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about" he growled. I slumped against a tree. "I really don't know WHAT you're talking about ?" I tried to lie but Ian knew me to well, "Stop lying, he's only trying to be nice". I sighed, "Okey, okey fine I'll be nice, just for you" I said sweetly, he chuckled. Ethan came back smiling, 'UGH! I already hate him'.

***********Time Skip***********

******Anthony's House*******

Ian's POV:

"DIE, DIE, DIE!" I shouted, trying to kill Anthony in a game of 'Call Of Duty'. I kept shooting, not knowing who or where I was aiming at. Anthony shot my player and I died. "Hey, you cheated !" I shouted, annoyed. "Oh come on, you missed me a bunch of times" I sighed, grabbing the last slice of pizza. "Jeez, how many slices did you eat ?" he asked, laughing. "Em... all of them, I think ?" he chuckled. I took a sip of my cola and turned to him.

"Are you ok ?" I asked him. He had been acting weird nearly all day. "Yeah.... why ?" he looked confused. "Why ?, well because you were alright this morning and now you seem kinda off" I said. He sighed, "I don't like that 'Ethan' guy, there's just something about him, I don't know" he said, lifting his arms up and letting them drop down again. "It's just....UGH..." He paused looking at me, "The way he looks at you, like you're the only person in the world,*sigh*, it just makes me sick" he said, closing his eye's trying not to cry. "Oh", that's all I could manage to say. "What, 'Oh', that's all you can say, 'Oh' ?" he stared at me tears welling up in his eye's. "Babe, you know I love you, right ? Do you think I don't get jealous ? You're the hottest guy in school, all the guys wanna be you AND all the girls wanna be with you. It makes me mad, you know ?" I sighed. he pulled me into a hug, I rested my head on his chest. "You know, you're the only person I want, right ?" he questioned. "Yeah I know" I smiled into his chest. "I love you" he said kissing the top of my head. "I love you too" I said, snuggling into him more.

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