Answer my question

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Meliodas stomped through the palace gardens. How dare he?! He thought, livid. Who does he think he was speaking to?! I am the Prince of the Demons, a nightmare in my own right! I don't fear anything!! He huffed, getting angrier by the second. And the more his anger grew, the more his darkness spread. Intellectually, he knew if he continued, he'd cause the gardens to explode, but he didn't care. Not even knowing that it'd piss his father off even more was going to stop him. In fact, Meliodas was tempted to just let loose to give the King something to be angry about. It'd make Meliodas feel better...well, after he got over the beating that would come after his tantrum.

Just as Meliodas thought "To hell with this and with him!" and was about to give in to his anger, a voice stopped him. "To hell with him!!" Meliodas stopped in his tracks, shocked to hear exactly what he had just been thinking. And shocked to realize who it was. It was his brother, Zeldris. What happened with him? Meliodas wondered, walking closer before realizing what he was doing. What the heck?! Walk away, Meliodas. He doesn't concern you. But he ignored his head and went with his instincts. "What are you moping about?" He asked as he came up behind the younger prince, not a bit of emotion in his voice. Zeldris spun around on the rock he'd been sitting on. "Meliodas!" He exclaimed excitedly, then caught himself and spun back around, his back to his brother. "Nothing! Go away!"

Meliodas lifted an eyebrow. That's new. He grinned wickedly and grabbed his brother by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up. "What the-?! Let me go!!" He yelled, flinging his fists and legs around in an embarrassing attempt to get free. Meliodas laughed mockingly. "Really? You look like a Mer out of water." "No I don't!" Zeldris scowled. "...ummm...what's a Mer?" Meliodas mentally face palmed and dropped him on his head. "Ow!!" Meliodas sighed. "Mers are Fairies that live in the ocean. They are half fish and half Fairy." Zeldris popped up into a sitting position and scratched his head. "How does that work?" Meliodas shrugged. "How does having seven hearts work?" He blinked owlishly. "Oh. Good point."

Meliodas shook his head. "Answer my question." "What question?" Zeldris asked irritatingly. Meliodas gritted his teeth and punch him on the top of his head. "Ow!" Zeldris yelled. "It's nothing!" "Houndshit!" He yelled, punching him again. "Ow! Stop it!" "Then tell me!" Meliodas responded angrily. "Fine! I'm pissed about yesterday, okay?!" Meliodas blinked. That huh? Zeldris leaned forward, his hand clenching his knees. "I couldn't do anything! I had to be saved by you! I was pathetic!" Meliodas didn't say anything, his face shadowed by his bangs. Then, he grabbed Zeldris by the collar and picked him up, dragging him away from the stone he had been moping on. "Hey, what the–put me down, brother!"

Meliodas dropped him. He landed on his head. "Ow!" He rolled over, glaring at his brother and he rubbed the knot he probably had from being dropped so many times. "Get up." Meliodas ordered. "What?" "Get. Up. You're going to be trained by me from now on." Zeldris grinned and popped to his feet. "Awesome! Show me what you got, bro-" Meliodas swung his foot out and kicked Zeldris's feet from under him. "Point," he said emotionlessly as he lightly stepped on Zeldris's chest. Zeldris stayed down for a few minutes, shocked by his brother's speed. He then rolled, trying to throw Meliodas's foot off of him. Meliodas let him get up. "Okay, brother, you surprised me there, but now I'm ready!" He then threw a ridiculously bad punch. Meliodas blocked it with his palm, not amused in the least.

Zeldris got irritated as his punches kept being blocked. Meliodas was just using one hand and kept his bored composure the entire time. He only moved his arm, the rest of his body relaxed and stationary. Finally, Zeldris's temper got the best of him. His last punch threw him forward. Meliodas swayed to the side, allowing him to sail right past him. Then, he brought his hand down hard, striking the back of Zeldris's head. He went down, too off balance to catch himself. His face smacked into the ground so hard, it left a decent sized crater. He laid there for a second, stunned. Then he slowly got up and sat there.

"Damn it," he growled, his voice shaky. "Damn it! I can't do anything!" His shoulders started shaking. Meliodas looked at him, annoyed. He spun around on his heel and walked away, leaving his brother crying alone.


"Here, stupid." Zeldris turned around, tear tracks down his face. He looked at the offering in Meliodas's hand with a shocked expression. "Well?" Meliodas snapped. "Are you going to take it or not?!" Zeldris started and nodded his head fervently, snatching the treat out of his brother's hand. It was dragon meat, with various seasonings only found in the Demon Realm. Most of the seasonings were so expensive, only the Royal Family could buy them. That was a good thing, since it was Zeldris's favorite snack. But he was surprised his brother knew that.

As he scarfed it down, Meliodas reached down and surprisingly gently ruffled Zeldris's hair. "Be ready for tomorrow's lesson. I won't go as easy on you." He then turned and walked away. As he left the training ground, Meliodas wondered at his actions. What the hellfire was that, Meliodas? And damn if he knew the answer to his own question.

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