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I took a deep breath and opened the door
There he was looking at me and i were looking at him
T: hi
S: come in
He gave me a nod and came in
S: want something?
T: no i am okay thanks
S: lets sit on the couch
T: yeah
When we sit on the couch i started talking
S: so lets start because its a lot
T: yes sof the truth is that i have a lot of questions
S: i can imagine Thomas let me explain and if you still have questions you will ask
T: sure
S: let me start we the most important ,so i heard that you have a girlfriend
T: yeah Monica , whats wrong with that
S: it's not wrong with the fact that you have a girlfriend but who your girlfriend is and please please believe me Thomas
i really don't care about your love life its not my business but Monica is not really your girlfriend
T: what do you mean??
S: remember when i told you about John?
T:  yeah
He said and looked down
S: so when  John and i were together Monica was John's "cousin" but when he became toxic and abusive he was cheating on me with your so called girlfriend but i am telling you this for you Thomas because wrong , right I don't know but i care about you
T: wait what??
Wait sof are you really serious??
S: yes Thomas
T: swear
S: i swear to my son's life what else do you want to believe me
T: so the kid i saw is your son ?
S: yeah ...
T: so you are saying the truth aren't you?
He asks and i nod
T: fuck my whole fucking life is a lie and i am really messed up sof
S: what do you mean?
T: Monica said that she is pregnant?
S: holy shit Thomas , wait are you sure?
T: about her pregnancy?
S: yeah
T: no because i never forgot the condom but .. I don't know sof
He said and starting tearing up
S: hey Thomas don't worry everything is going to be fine
T: No sofia we broke up bc of me ,i didn't trust you and i trusted John who is a fucking monster he - he was talking about you with so much anger and-
S: Thomas I don't know why but i forgive you basically bc i know what kind of person are you and John and what i also know is that you are not like him and monica okay ?
T: Fuck sof i love you
He said and i freezed but i knew that i love him too

Thomas pov
I just said i love you to sofia and i think that i hadn't
T: sorry i-
I couldn't finish my sentence bc sofia spoke
S: Thomas i have one more thing to tell you
T: what?
I asked wiping my tears away
S: the kid you saw me with
T: yes?
S: is not mine
I didn't know how to react i was just looking at her beautiful eyes
S: its ours
T: what? Wait you mean that i have a son?
S:  yes and his name is damiano
T: how sof i mean we -
S: in Maneskin party after Eurovision the night before i left
I tried to remember what i did
T: but i woke up alone
S: because i woke up before you and left
T: sof..
S: i know you don't believe me and you don't want a kid right now..
She said and tried to leave but i grabbed her arm
S: just go
T: what i wanted to say is that you had to tell me back then i would love to have a kid with you sofia i never stoped loving you
S: so y- you don't have a problem to meet him ?
She asked me
T: no sofia i would love to meet him
S: really?
T: yeah
I was really happy i mean I don't know but  sofia is the only woman i wanna have family with
S: okay i am going to bring him
I nod and watch her as she goes to a room
I am really nervous i mean i have a child and i hope he will like me

After some time sofia came back with a little boy holding her hand he was exactly like me it was quite funny
Little dami: hi
T: hey you must be damiano
He nods
Little dami: can i ask you something?
T: yes
Little dami: are you my dad?
I paused a little bc i realized that i am his father
T: yes i am
I said smiling
Little dami: and why weren't you here with us?.
S: dami..
T: it's okay sof bc i was stupid but now i am here and i wanna fix everything and being with you and your mom but only if you want too
I said and looked at sof
Little dami: can i hug you?
T: of course
I said and he hugged me right away i started crying bc i was really happy
After some time he pulled away
Little dami: will you stay a little bit more?
T: of course
S: but-
T: no sofia you and this kid you are my real family no Monica and john
She smiled and then steve got out of the room
St: i am going to meet vic
T: if they ask you didn't see me
St: sure invisible guy
He said and we all laughed
2 hours have passed and dami fell asleep in my arms while watching his fave movie so i picked him up
T: where is his room?
S: right there
She said pointing to a door ,i nod and go where she pointed
After i put him on his bed i kissed his head and left
T: sofia i wanna talk about us ,i mean you ,me and dami
S: Thomas what do you really want?
T: you me and our kid to be a family but this means that we have to be back together but i understand if you don't w-
I couldn't finish my sentence bc she kissed me and of course i kissed her back


Friends Into Lovers....Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon