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Sofia's pov

Me and Thomas are kissing for 2 minutes now ,the truth is that I kissed him I just couldn't resist when he told me that he wants to be together again and to raise our son together but I pulled away bc something felt wrong
T: what happened
He asked worried ,damn I really missed him
S: nothing is just too much right now sorry
T: for what?
S: because I kissed you even if I knew that I was confused and not ready
T: don't even think about it, it's totally fine ba- sof
He blushed but I didn't say anything to make him feel bad
The truth is that I was still confused and curious about what was going to happen
So I asked him
S: so what is going to happen now?
T: what do you mean?
I chuckled and answered
S: first of what are you gonna do with Monica ?
T: I don't really know ,I mean I still can't believe it
S: I know it's difficult for you too but Thomas you have to do something and I will say it again I said all this thing's to you because I care about you
T: I know and I really want to see you and dami again but of course only If you want
S: I am sure that Damiano will be very happy to see you again but no one else can know because Monica and John are capable to do anything and I won't allow anything bad to happen to my son
T: of course
S: thank you Thomas for everything
T: are you kidding me I should be the one to thank you ,I mean you gave the chance to see my son and you told me the truth about my so called girlfriend
S: no problem
T: I should get going
S: okay bye and pls Don't Tell anyone about this even Damiano,vic and Ethan
T: sure can I hug you
I chuckled and of course hugged him
After that he left and I still couldn't realize what the fuck just happened but what I knew is that I started falling for him again

Thomas pov

Two days have passed and I am going to see my son again I mean I couldn't be happier
Monica seems normal I hope she didn't understand anything
I was ready to go but Monica came close to me
M: where are you going baby ?
T: hang out with Ethan
M: oh okay i will miss you
She said and kissed me
T: me too
I said and left as soon as got in my car I called Ethan

E: hey Thom
T: hi umm...I need you to help me
E: what's up?
T: if Monica calls can you pls tell her that we are together ?
E: sure I guess
T: thanks I will explain later
E: bye Thom
We hang up

After that I started driving
After 20 minutes I arrived to Sofia's house

Sofia's pov

I was sitting on the couch with dami waiting for his father to come when I heard the doorbell and went to open
S: hi Thomas
T: hi sof
We hugged and then dami came
T: hey !
Little dami: hey ..how can I call you?
I immediately looked at Thomas who was looking at me and I nodded
T: I mean I am your dad so if you want you can call me dad
Dami run to him and hugged him
Thomas chuckled and hugged him back
T: so what do you want to do?
Little dami: can we watch spider man?
T: are you kidding me I love spider man
Little dami: really??
T: mhm
S: so I am going to the supermarket anyone wants anything?
T: I am good
Little dami: can you buy me my favorite juice mommy?
He asked with puppy eyes ,he is just like his father
S: sure ,are you okay that I will leave for some time?
Little dami: mhm if anything happens I will say to dad to call you
When he said that my heart melt and I couldn't help but smile
S: sure bye
Little dami: bye mommy

Thomas pov
Sofia left some time ago and Damiano called me his dad and I couldn't be happier
Little dami: can I ask you something?
T: sure
I said and stopped the movie
Little dami: will you leave us again?
At first I freezed but I had to tell him the truth
T: yes but not because I want to but I have to
Little dami: why?
T: because I have to work
Little dami: will I ever see you again?
T: of course , listen I made a huge mistake a few years ago but I am not doing it again
Little dami: what mistake?
T: I left your mom because I didn't believe her but now I do and I promise to you that when I can I will come to see you
Little dami: really?
T: I mean If you want
Little dami: I really do daddy
Without realizing it a tear dropped
Little dami: why are you crying ?
T: don't worry I am just very happy come here
We hugged and I  kissed  his head then we continued watching the movie
After 10 minutes Sofia came but she was upset
T: are you okay ?
S: yeah don't worry
Little dami: mommy did you get my juice?
S: of course my little monster here you are

Sofia's pov
I just got out of the supermarket and started walking back to my house when I saw Monica and John talking at the park near my house I immediately turned around but John saw me and started walking towards me I tried to walk away but I didn't have time he came and started talking to me
J: hey sof
S: what do you want?
J: so I will be quick you have Two choices
You and I are back together or I will take your son

Sorry for the wait
Also happy new year 🎉

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