i. love is blind

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Don't look around cause love is blind and darling right now I can't see you.

"Zayn, hurry up or we'll be late," she yells pounding on his room door.

He groaned and rolled over, smudging his face into his pillow. "No," he grunted.

She pushed the door open and marched to his bed, ripping the blankets off his almost naked body. She laughed a little when he shivered.

"Get up, dork."

"No, 'm not going."

"Zayn, c'mon. We can play later," she says, rolling her eyes and searching through his closet.

"'m serious. Not going."

She turned from the closet and stared at him in confusion. She paced over to the bed and sat beside him. He pulled the covers over his body and turned to face her.

"Why not," she asked.

"Can't do it. Sing in front of all of those people. Simon Cowell. Dancing. I just can't."

She smiles weakly at him. "Zayn, don't, please don't let your fear get the best of you. You've got so much ahead of you, waiting for you to just grasp it. Don't let it slip because you're scared."

He blushed and hid his face in his pillow.

"Hey now," she said, laying beside him, "I'm the last person you should be shy around. 'member when you sang me to bed all those times, and when we danced in the back yard on the path because we aced our maths test? Or how about when you took me to the dance because no one else asked me?"

Zayn laughed. "Yeah. That was like two weeks ago."

She rolled her eyes with a smile. "That's not the point. The point is that you, Zayn Malik, are super amazing and stuff. This is your big break, you have to take it."

She placed her hand on his cheek and he leaned into her touch, but not enough for her to notice.

"I guess."

"And I promise we'll eat all the Swedish Fish in my purse afterwards," she added making him smile.

"Promise?" He asked.


I Won't Mind // z.m.Where stories live. Discover now