iii. never ever live without

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We messed around until we found the one thing we said we could never ever live without.

"Zayn, Zayn!"

She coughed as her lungs filled with smoke and desperation. When she finally spotted him, he was leaning up against the bottom of a stool with an angry bartender hovering over him.

"Hi, sorry about him," she said, placing Zayn's arms over her shoulders. He leaned into her touch, just like he always does, and buried himself in her sweet scent.

"Just get him out of here!"

She nods quickly and slips Zayn out the back of the bar, into her beat up station wagon she had gotten from her mother.

"Hey, when did you get here?"

"You called me," she responded after strapping herself in.

"Cause you're the best," he said happily, his head tipping every which way.

She almost laughed. "I know."

"Hey," he mumbled, slowly falling to sleep, "you know I can't live without you, right?"

"I can't live without you either, Zayn."

I Won't Mind // z.m.Where stories live. Discover now