φωτός 1

11 2 1


She turned the corner, her eyes filled with laughter. 

The sunlight dappled her blonde locks as she run behind her companion.

It was perfect.

My camera clicked as I took the shot, the photo sliding from the compartment. 

It was black.

Then slowly, the colors faded in. 

My unkept locks fell over my eyes as I sighed in content, wondering when that would happen to me.

When the black void would finally fade to color.

She turned around again in my direction, but I was long gone. I hid in the alley of an abandoned building, taking out my photo album.

The picture had completely settled by then, showing me the image.

My cracked lips stretched up in a small smile as I inspected my work.

She had blue eyes that matched the sky, and her hair could rival the sun in shine. 

Her pale porcelain skin was flushed pink, her cheeks a rosy tone. She was smiling in the picture, her pearly white teeth showing through the gaps of her red lips that had pulled up into a smile.

It was perfection.

Far from me.

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