7. 🔞

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Yesterday, Tuesday, had been busy, apart from all the tension that had been floating around in the office, you had so much to learn; Jungkook had helped a lot.

He explained how his previous assistant had filled out the paperwork, although he also told you that she wasn't very nice and had an attitude problem with him most days!

You finally got your head around some of the sheets and things you have to fill in for data teams etc every day; you'd spent countless times sneakily glancing up to watch Jungkook.

Every time he was working away but his face didn't look impressed; at one point he snarled at a sheet of work and to say it gave you butterflies was an understatement!

He's so fucking hot! Ohmygod!

"What you doing for lunch?" Jungkook asks, tapping a pen on his lip making him hotter than hell.

"Me?" You stutter in response when you look up.

"No, the invisible woman sat at the side of you! Of course you!!" He smiles, but there's a smirk present.

"Oh, I just was going to grab a croissant and a coffee... do you want one? Or... or something else, I'll grab it for you?"

"I don't normally eat things like that for lunch I..."

"Live a little? I'll go grab you a croissant..." you smile standing up and wandering away from the office as Jungkook stares after you with a confused, shocked expression.

"Did she just..." he mumbles.


"Okay then Mr 'I never normally eat things like that' was it good?"

Jungkook looks up and stares at you; "I must admit, I'd forgotten how good those things are"

You smile, "see!"

Jungkook screws up the napkin in his hand and smirks, "whatever!" He giggles as he throws the napkin across his office, right at you, laughing when it bounces off your forehead.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Just because... ugh, you irritate me..."

You stand up, picking up the screwed up napkin and wander over to him, "is that so?" You whisper dropping the napkin on his head, watching as it bounces off and lands on his desk.

"My assistant shouldn't abuse me!" He hissed grabbing your hand.

You giggle and stare right at him, "don't abuse me then!"

There's an intensity between you both and being so close isn't helping; Jungkook let's go of your wrist and you step back, "we really need to look at the paperwork for the new shipping order coming in next week" he says quietly looking awkward.

"Oh, yeah, of course, I'll just..." you grab for all the rubbish from your lunches, "... I'll get rid of all this..."


The whole afternoon is filled with tension, if you could take a guess, you'd guess sexual tension, seeing as every single time you shift and glance up, Jungkook is already staring right at you! His eyes piercing and hot!

By the time home time came around the day had zipped by and it was actually rather enjoyable and you'd got along with Jungkook really well.

"Hey..." Jungkook whispers leaning close over your desk taking you by surprise as you shut the last folder of the day you'd been working on.


"I..." he stalls, stepping backwards and backing up all the way to his own desk until the back of his legs hit it and then he sits back, leaning on it, "... I wanted to thank you, for... for lunch and today, I... I really appreciate it"

TATTOOS & PIERCINGS 🔞 [book 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now