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The bed feels so soft under you after the long and rather awkward day; Jungkook is breathing gently next you as your fingertips softly trace his tattoos on his arm in the quiet of the room.

You take the time to appreciate how wonderful they look in the warm glow of the bedside lamp and the little moonlight coming in through the hotel window; he's a masterpiece!

Just when you think he might be almost asleep, he sucks in a deep breath; "thank you..." he whispers shifting a tiny bit so he could look across at you, "... thank you Y/N, for being there for me..."

Your fingertips keep tracing the art on his arm as you lean in and give his lips a soft but chaste kiss; "you don't have to thank me... Kook, I... I wanted to come with you... for you..."

He stares back at you, his eyes shiny like starlight as you look back; "can... can I tell you why I'm a CEO at such a young age? You can say no if you want I know you might not be interested and..."

You stop him; "shhh, stop a minute, I was going to say yes immediately..." you move your hand off his arm momentarily and stroke it swiftly through his hair, your gaze never shifting off of his, before returning your fingers back to his arm, "... tell me, I want you to tell me whatever you want"

The room seems so immensely quiet while you both stare at each, a deeper, unsaid meaning behind all of this; "okay..." he nods slowly blinking.

"... When my dad starting cheating on my mum, he forced me away from my photography dreams. I liked photography, I love the way you could capture a moment as it was... that it can stay infinite and..." Jungkook sighs as if remembering a forgotten love, "... sorry, my dad he... he forced me to focus on things which would make me be the CEO instead, the future CEO as in, years and years away or so I thought, I thought wrong huh..."

You squeeze at his arm in gesture of comfort, of telling him you're there and present and listening but you don't want to talk and interrupt him; Jungkook gives you a small smile before he sucks in a breath ready to continue.

"...my dad, I know why he did it, he thought I was stupid, some stupid teenager who wouldn't be able to tell, but, I knew he was doing it so that he could focus on his new woman! Su! And I could focus on the company for them... my mum she kinda was just so heart broken that she let everything go and when I realised I mean I just gave up too. What else could I have done other than do as he pleased? I had to become CEO or my life wouldn't have been worth living and my mum would've been so disappointed if I'd have not had a cut in the company..."

"Kook, it must have been awful, when you didn't want to do it all though... couldn't you have talked with your mum and..." you suddenly stall and take a breath realising you have no idea what he could've done, never being in that situation yourself.

"She was heart broken Y/N, she crumpled and I had to watch that happen to her while my dad forced me to work on shit I didn't want... my life was shit so I thought, my life might as well be shit but have money and when my dad mentioned to me that he'd be taking a step back to go and live in London with Su, he said I'd become CEO and take over, but I mean he's always still in my ear anyway, but I thought I would've got rid of his incessant pushing. I was wrong but still." Jungkook shrugs his shoulders and gently rests a hand on your hip, his fingertips softly dancing on your bare skin above your pyjama shorts.

You smile at him; "did you say you liked photography?"

Jungkook lets out a little giggle, pulling you a tiny bit closer; "I loved it... and art, I sometimes used to paint or draw but then once I got a camera, my whole world changed... oh I loved the way you could alter how a photograph came out or just leave it as natural as possible, I always dreamed of becoming a photographer... I was never quite sure what of, but I would've loved being behind a camera lens... bit different to my desk I sit behind now right?"

"So..." you rub his arm grabbing all his attention; "... those photographs, in your living room? Those ones on canvas in your penthouse... are they yours? Did you take those photographs?" You stare back at him waiting until you see his eyes sparkle.

"Yep!" He says with a pop of his lips, "... they're all mine, in more ways than one. I own them, I took them, it's all my photography... I wanted a little bit of my old life somewhere with me."

Your smile is now brighter than a light bulb and you can't help but lean in and rest your forehead on Jungkook's forehead for a moment, all your emotions crashing into your rib cage! "They're amazing! The photos, they're so amazing! I... you're amazing!" You whisper, before realising maybe you've said too much, but as you move back and look at him, he's already staring at you with a silly happy smile of his own.

Jungkook grabs one of your hands and intertwines his fingers with yours.

"Kook I... I think you're amazing, I... I really like you and I know I probably shouldn't be saying this right now after... after all this but, I've fallen for you, I really should warn you because I... think I might feel like..."

"Like what?" Jungkook asks quickly and excitedly.

"... like I..." you take a deep breath and feel Jungkook squeeze your hand tighter, "... like I... might feel the 'L' word for you..." your cheeks blush in the warm light of the room, and under his sparkling gaze.

Jungkook giggles lightly, but a grateful giggle; "thank god you've said that!..." he breathes and smiles madly, "... I'm so glad you feel that way because, because I think I've felt that way for ages! I've felt so stupid thinking I might... you know, feel that way after only a few weeks of us knowing each other"

"You idiot!" You giggle.

"You started it!" He laughs pulling you into him.

You both laugh together, while you relax in his arms, saying nothing more, not actually voicing the words you both feel, but now knowing this moment and previous moments meant so much more.


Okay, so we've all had emotional week right? After festa dinner I'm not gunna lie, I felt so sad but yet so happy and my emotions were all mixed up.

But now, I can see and feel the excitement for chapter 2 of bts and I wish every single one them an exciting, mature and happy future! Imagine the solo projects we're going to get until there's a time that they come back together as 7! bts?
And I'm so excited to support the 7 of them in all their projects.

So back to the book👀

Were you expecting that? Did you think after an awkward dinner with his dad we'd get this far between y/n and kook?

What does this mean for their future and will they become something more?
What about when the London Christmas romance scene has gone?
What do you think will happen?

TATTOOS & PIERCINGS 🔞 [book 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now