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I head up back to my room to get ready, I'm not too sure what I should wear...maybe I'll go with a clean and casual wear. plain white shirt, black pants, blue jacket, white air forces and to top it all of a brown-ish bag and my favourite shell necklace.

I head down stairs and Kim was already ready, "wow you're fast" I say making my way off the last few steps, "yea, well I'm a model so everything is ready and set at the photoshoot, I just need to show up, anyway are you ready?" "yea I'm ready" I s...

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I head down stairs and Kim was already ready, "wow you're fast" I say making my way off the last few steps, "yea, well I'm a model so everything is ready and set at the photoshoot, I just need to show up, anyway are you ready?" "yea I'm ready" I say with a warm smile. "ok. I'll call my manager to come pick us up" I look at Kim as he gets his phone out to call his manager, "why don't I just drive us there?" He looks straight at me, "no no no no, that ain't happening, there will be a lot of reporters and spies and if they see us, it would be bad for the both of us." I give Kim a confused look "look, Oli. the thing is~ my company is very strict, okay. so if any reporter see just the two of us ad in your car, there will be rumors about us going everywhere on the internet, like us dating or something" I sigh and look at Kim, "Ok ok, I get it. but we both know that it's not true, we are not a thing, and why are you so stressed about all of it, you know telling me nicely isn't gonna hurt anyone." and there was just silence...

I head outside to put on my shoes while Kim calls his manager. 2 minutes later Kim walks out of the door, "ok you know my manager so don't be too...well, surprised. ok" I look at Kim and nod. After waiting for a bit outside his manager drives in and signals us to hop into the car. I look to see the manager Kim says I know and it was...

Reggie POV 

Should I film today...or maybe I'll just do a tiktok instead. I take my phone and decided to mess with Darren, I'm bored so why not. After having a one vs two hand with the bird AKA lildarbear, I head to me room. 

Manager Ty POV

Ring* Ring* Ring* I pick up the phone:

Manager Ty: "Hello~ Manager of the North Star Boys, Tyler Ratanamonkala speaking how can I help you?"

Annonymus: "Hey I was wondering if you could fill in for me, I don't feel well today and HE needs to be there by 30 mins, you think you ca do it, Bray?"

Manager Ty: " yea sure, I don't mind doing it for the day, we're not filmig anythig today so It's cool with me"

Annonymus: "I already informed him that you're going instead of me, Thank You so much"

Manager Ty: " No problem, see you later"

Annonymus: "Bye"

Hangs up the phone*

"Darren, Ryan, tell the boys I'll be out for the day and will be back late, I need to do some business" "ok, good luck" Ryan and Darren says. I head to my room to get ready, 30 minutes, that's a lot of time, I should be there early  I use Bae's truck, because why not, right~ After driving 10 minutes to HIS house I signal to them to hop in, I roll down my window, "well, hello Oli Boli, I'm be the acting Manager and driver for the both of you today." 

Ryan POV

I think I need to call Oli, my mind isn't processing the same way it use to. I have a hard time believing this, it's not that it's a problem, but I just never expected it to happen, it's hard to believe when you hear it from Darren. I take out my phone to call Oli

Calling* Caling* Calling*  Answers the phone*

Oli: "hello~"

Ryan: "hey~ Oli~ how's it going~"

Oli: "Ryan~ hey, yea everything is going great, I'm heading to Kim's company, I'm gonna watch his photoshoot, how are you?"

Ryan: "sounds cool, I'm not really dong much we're all just taking the day off, cause Manager Ty is out for the day"

Oli: "yea, I heard from Tyler that you guys weren't filming"

Ryan: "yea..."

Oli: "yea..."

Ryan: "um..."

Oli: "..."

Ryan: "um... I need to ask you something. do you have time?

Oli: "yea It's fine, what's up?

Ryan: "so~ I was talking with Darren and Justin, and Darren told me about you and Reggie, and about your feelings for him, I'm telling you this because I wanted to know if this is true, is it?

Oli: "..."

Ryan: "hello? are you there? Oli. Hello?"

Oli: "yea, I think It's because I telling you and the rest of the boys in person, I don't feel like saying anything at the moment, because I need to sort of my feelings first."

Ryan: "Yea~ sure, you can take your time, I'm not rushing you. Have a good day Oli"

Oli: "Thanks Ryan, see you soon"

Ryan: "bye"

Oli hangs up*  

I take a few minutes to think and try my best to understand the situation. "Ryan!" My heart leaped, "fuck! you scared me!" I turn to look, It's Darren. "sorry, but can you film a quick tiktok with me" I roll me eyes, "fine"...


After talking with Ryan, I think it's time to tell the boys. I don't want them to think too much of it, When I get back I'll tell them. But how did Darren know? Was it Justin? "Oli!?" " uhh! yea yea what's up" "what are you thinking, we are here"  look at Manager Ty who is just staring at me on the drivers mirror, "'s nothing, I'm just thinking" Kim looks at me weirdly, "okay~" We parking in a private area, and head inside. "Tyler how did you know where the company was?" Manager Ty smiles, "I tend to fill in for his manager from time to time, so I know this building inside out" I see, I guess that why we have breaks on Sunday, it's not just a break its because Tyler is Kim's acting manager. but why didn't Kim tell me? or why didn't Tyler tell me? we went through the lobby and manager Ty went to the receptionist lady to get some kind of card, maybe an access card or something. we go into the VIP elevator ad make our way to the 4th floor, where Kim's photoshoot is suppose to be held. Kim gets ready and I got a chance to talk to the photographer and make up artist, honestly talking to them, I've learned a lot and it got my mid off my problems. 

6 hours later~

after a long time of flashing lights ad powder, we were finally able to head back home for dinner. Dinner...hmmm~ I kinda miss Darren's cooking "I guess we can head back now huh?" Manager Ty looks at me and Kim, "I'll drop you guys off, because I need to get back as soon as possible, because who knows what could happen in that house, I just hope the house is not burnt down." Kim and I laugh, "true, ok lets get back quickly"

10 minutes~

We arrive at Kim's house and manager Ty heads off back to the NSB house. "Kim I'll make dinner tonight" "are you sure, I've never seen you cook ever" I laugh, "of course I can cook, don't underestimate me Kim. I'll just head upstairs and get ready" "Kim nods at me and I make my way up to my room...

I'm sincerely sorry for the wait, I have been busy with a lot of family functions and prep for school. I hope this is worth your wait, and pls bare with me, I will try to get the next one up as soon as possible. Thank you to the many who are following me and following this book along side my other book that is still in process, Thank you to many who have voted and on many of my chapters. I hope your new years went well, and now that we have reached 2022 we can only hope for another great year. I love you all and I am really sorry again for the long wait. Thank You for reading


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