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The next Morning~

Oliver POV

9am meeting~

"ok everyone as you all know this time we will be filming NSB videos without Darren for a month or so. And I know it will be a little different now, because there are six members and not seven, but stay positive...even if it's hard. Just try your best." Honestly saying this was hard, I mean, I already miss Darren so much. "I want everyone to go live on IG whenever you're ready, and don't do it at the same time, cause that'll torture the fans, and pls don't get too emotional, and make them short, not too long." 

After the meeting~

we have breakfast, Reggie cooks us breakfast today. "I kinda wish Darren now" Everyone looks at me and nods in agreement. "maybe we should visit him and his parents in like two or three weeks, as a break, everyone is going" they all exclaimed in excitement, "manager Ty?" we all look at manager Ty, " two weeks we can go, but don't slack off, or else i'll cancel it, I'll book the tickets early" we all were so excited, because having to not see Darren for a whole month or even longer, would be so sad. we all ate our breakfast and took a 10 minute break before we started filming.

(in this video just pretend that Darren isn't there)

After filming~

4:35pm. After a whole day of filming with Darren, it was the first time we had the quiet and calm vibe...well until Justin starts playing. hahaha. 

Ringing* Ringing*  I look at the my phone, Oh Darren "Everyone DARENIS CALLING!!!"

everyone came running, "answer and put it on speaker!!" Justin says running towards me. I answer it.

Darren: "hello?"

Oliver: "heyy buddy"

Darren: "oh heyy Oli, are the boys with you?"

NSB: "we're here!!"

Darren: "oh, heyy guys~ Ok so Ming Ming and I are just about to board the plane, I was gonna text you, but I wanted to hear your voices"

Justin: "awww isn't that cute~~"

Kane: "I know right~~"

Reggie: "wow~ when di you become so romantic?"

Darren: "what are you talking about I was always romantic"

NSB: "hahaha ok bro"

Darren: "ok we're leaving now, I'll miss you guys"

NSB: "we'll miss you too!!"

Darren: "don't miss me too much!~"

Oliver: "ok then where's Ming Ming, can you put her on?"

Darren: "ok hold up"

Ming Ming: "hello?"

Oliver: "hello Ming, how you doing?"

Ming Ming: "I'm doing great, pretty nervous, but it's all good"

Oliver: "ok thats good, stay safe out there, and don't leave your bear ever. ok?"

Ming Ming: "don't worry about me, we'll be fine, and ofc, I won't leave his side, I'll bring him back to you guys...I mean Ryan as soon as I can, also Reggie! can you send me Ryan's number, there something I need to tell him"

Reggie: "ok I'll do it now"

Oliver: "I'm glad you're with him, We trust you"

Ming Ming: "no worries"

NSB: "stay safe Ming Ming, bye~~"

Ming Ming and Darren: "bye boys~"

We hung up*

We all sit down, and sigh. "It's gonna be quiet without Darren" I smile lightly and try to cheer the boys up, "ok guys lets go to the gym" Everyone agrees expect of Ryan, he decides to stay behind.

Hello everyone! How are y'all doing? I hope all is well, I will release this chapter at the same time as chapter 1 of the new book 'back home' so I hope y'all support that book too. If y'all have any ideas of what I should right next for the relationship between Reggie and Oliver, pls do comment below what you want to see/read, because I don't want to drag this book too long because it would loose it's excitement. Anyways I really want to read your thought on this chapter and book so far so pls leave me a simple comment below. Thank you for reading



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