Story 10: Road trip! pt. 2

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(this is a continuation of PT. 1 of the road trip to Bright Harbor!)

       It was now around 9 In the morning in the hotel. Mae was the first to wake, then Gregg, then Bea, and they all waited for Angus to wake up. "He always gets so grumpy in mornings so I let him sleep as long as he wants most of the time! It's hot how his voice gets all raspy and grutty tho.."Gregg said while blushing, fanboying over his boyfriend.  "That's cool and all but dude what happened to you last night?? You started screaming and almost ran away!!" Mae said. "Oh yeah...well I have these seriously bad nightmares ever since the mine cult thing and there terrifying! Sometimes I can't tell if they are real or mostly ends up with me running out of our apartment because I'm so scared, but I've been getting help from Angus with out to deal with them." Gregg said smiling as he sat next to Angus' head, petting his soft curly hair making Angus softly Hum in his sleep.

    "Ohhh, dude why didn't you tell us! Then we would be prepared for your nervous breakdowns!" Mae said a bit annoyed but happy her bestie is ok. "Heh sorry, I forgot!!" Gregg said trying to lighten the mood with a few jokes. Angus slowly flipped over so now.he was laying on his stomach, his head was resting on gregg's thighs and a hand was in between holding on to them as if it was just pillows. He grunted as he was slwoly woken up. "Quiet down will yah..." Angus said in a raspy grumpy tone. Gregg instantly blushed and bent down to cover his sleepy boyfriends face in kisses causing Angus to laugh and sit up. With a streach and a yawn he looked at the girls. "Good morning, I assume it's time to hit the road again?" Angus said putting his glasses on. Mae blinked as she stood in shock after seeing Angus'eyes. "You have orange eyes?! They're so pretty!!" Mae said smiling . "Hazel actually, but thank you." Angus smiled and got up and went to the bathroom. Gregg glared at Mae. "Yo! Don't you be catching anything alright!!" He said getting a bit jelouse. "Chill dude, if I wanted a peace of that I'd have it by now!" Mae joked, Bea rolled her eyes as she put on her thick eyeliner, she was all ready dresses unlike the other three. Mae went into the closet and changed into a black shirt, a hoodie, jeans, and red shoes. Gregg went into the bathroom where Angus was and changed into a purple shirt, ripped leggings, his leather jacket, and his sneakers. They all went out of there spots to the main room in the motel, where Bea had her bag and was ready to go. The four got back into the car, Angus made sure their stuff was in the back before getting in the passengers seat, and they went off on the road again.

       Only a few minutes passed and Gregg groaned in boredom. "I'm SO bored!!!" Gregg said looking at Mae, until something caught gregg's eye. He grabbed onto bea's shoulder. "DUDE STOP THE CAR NOW." Gregg shouted and Bea slammed on breaks on the side of the highway. "What?! What?!" Bea said, everyone was in panic when Gregg ran out of the car to the grass part. He took of his jacket and wrapped something in it, he came back and got in. "Look what I found! It looks sick and hurt..can we keep him Angus?!" Gregg said lifting his sleeve to reveal a  rat. Angus took one look and screamed. "AGHH A RAT!!" He yelled high pitched, getting off guard. Bea slammed her head against the wheel as Mae was in awe. "I got a bunch of rats in the old food donkey!! My babies need a friend! Yeah Angus!! Can Gregg keep him?" She said, Angus quickly calmed down and apologized for getting frightened by the small rodent. "U-uhm..Gregg why don't you p-put it back..???" Angus said trying to stay away from the rodent as possible. Gregg just shoved it in his face more. "Please cap'in!! He's sooooooo cute!!!" Gregg said letting Angus have a closer look. It looked friendly and it climbed up in Angus's shoulder sniffing him. Angus froze in fear he would make it scared and bite him. "I-i guess..? It dose look kinda cute..-" Angus said. Bea sighed. " Make up your damn mind are we bringing the rat or not?!" She said rolling down the window to smoke. " Well...I suppose, a-as long as you keep it away from me!!" Angus said shivering. Gregg pulled the rat back and petted it. "Yes! Thank you babe!! I'ma call em'...Remy!!" Gregg said smiling. With a sigh and smoke released from her mouth, Bea continued to drive agian. "Now don't make me stop this stupid car agian until we are there!" Bea said annoyed.

A few more hours passed and they passed a sign that said, 'Welcome to Bright Harbor, the light of the east coast' and they all got excited. Mae was so happy with her friends, this is where the boys will move and maybe when her and Bea, they got out of Possom Springs and nothing bad happened, they made it out safe. There was bright hope for the future, as bright as Bright Harbor was. Mae knew this vacation would be good.

Book Of Nitw stories *Mostly Gregg X Angus*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora