Partner up.

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Wilhelm entered class right as the bell rang and took the only empty seat, by Jan. Nice guy. Little weird. Definitely ate his eggs with ketchup. That kind.

"All right, everyone. As you know, last semester you took the theory section of your Chemistry class, which means this semester, we will be doing the laboratory section," announced the Chemistry teacher, Mr. Lindberg. 

"I'm going to give each person a number. Your partner is the other person who has that same number. Ok, Sofus- 1, Mara-2, Maria-3..." Mr. Lindberg continued numbering off the students until each student had a number. 

"Ok, find the other person who has your same number. Go!"

Students walked around shouting out their number.

 "Number 4! 4!"

"Who's number 7?"

Wilhelm hesistantly  raised his voice. "Number 9?!"

Simon came up beside him. "Number 9."

Wilhelm's stomach flipped. "Cool. Let's find a seat, then." On the plus side, he didn't have to work with Jan. However, somehow this seemed so much worse.

As they sat down, Simon, squirming on his work stool, tried breaking the ice, "Got to tell you, I didn't crush the theoreticals last semester, so I think you'll be carrying this partnership."

"Not good news. I definitely got a B- on the final. I never did figure out how the compounds worked together."

Simon laughed shyly. "Awesome. We're screwed." Wilhelm glanced up at Simon. His laugh had always given Wilhelm butterflies, and today was no exception.

Simon looked at the team in the lab bench beside theirs. "Looks like Johan and Sofia are together. Dream team."

Wilhelm fixed his eyes on Simon as Simon was still facing the team beside them, smiling at his own joke.

 He looks so good, thought Wilhelm.

Wilhelm shook his head, It's over, Wilhelm. You fucked that up already.

Simon looked over at Wilhelm, still grinning about Johan and Sofia. "You know what page we're on?"

"Um, I think he said p. 154."

"Hey Sofi, what page are we on?" hissed Simon.

Sofia rolled her eyes and lifted the book up. 173.

"Oops, little off," Wilhelm said, grinning.

"Little off," laughed Simon.

How does he do this? thought Wilhelm. He's acting like nothing happened. He's just so natural.

"Ok, let's do this. Wille, go get the materials off the table over there, okay? Now, step 1..."

At the end of the period, Simon packed up his things. With a quick nod he said, "See you tomorrow!"

Wilhelm looked up and waved softly. Simon.

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