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Wilhelm dressed himself slowly after Simon had left, savoring the tingling feeling still present on his post-coital body. Once dressed, he stretched out on the couch, his feet dangling off the edge and his head resting in his hands. 

Wilhelm couldn't let him go. He'd already done that twice. If he did it again, Simon wouldn't come back a third time. Wilhelm knew for a fact that this was his last chance. Use it or lose it.

But what did that mean? Damn Felice for telling Simon about Ana. Because there was more than a big difference between him and his brother. His brother's choice of partner was absolutely loved by his family. Encouraged even. His mom had been the one to meet with the principal about protecting their privacy. Ana and his mom met up for lunch-- just the two of them-- during the school breaks. Erik, Ana, and his parents had their own Whatsapp group. It was a little bit sickening, to be honest. Of course, losing Erik was by far the worst thing that had happened in their lives, but losing Ana was a strong runner-up to that. It was almost like they lost two children when Erik died. 

Simon, on the other hand? There was no way his mom was going to be dining with Dr. Lilja on his account. Wilhelm didn't even know if the principal would take him seriously. Though, realistically, the school had taken quite  a hit with the whole scandal last semester. Privacy was one of the reasons the elite sent their kids far away to Hillerska instead of to any one of the amazing (and free) schools in Stockholm. If the school didn't take the Crown Prince's privacy seriously enough to prevent that kind of leak, how could they expect the school to protect the privacy for their own special snowflakes?

He wished Erik were here. If felt like he said that a lot.. Erik had kind of been his compass in life. Now, without a compass, he just felt like he was spinning haplessly. Drifting, lost. 

Wilhelm rubbed his forehead, hoping that just the act in itself would give him the answer. What was he to do? He could meet with the principal and explain the predicament. Hope that the media attention had burned the school and her reputation enough to do whatever it took to not have a repeat. Or he could go the friend route and use his future influence to silence anyone. Now that people knew that August had gotten caught (thanks, Felice), everyone knew that no one would get off scot-free. 

Or he could do both? A double whammy? Or was there a better option?

As he lay prone on the couch, his mind swimming with indecision, he sudden hit himself on the head. He was an idiot. He knew who he could ask.

 Dr. Nilsson. Not only did he know things, the man had an inside scoop. Duh.


Wilhelm walked into the counseling office the next morning at 8:00am sharp. When he showed up at the door, the secretary was still searching for the office keys in her purse. She looked up, saw Wilhelm, and, horrified, began scrambling for her keys, apologizing over and over again.

Wilhelm soothed, "I can't find my keys a lot, too. Now, one of the bodyguards has a spare because they got tired of having to visit the housemaster's office so often. They're almost always in the pocket of the pants I wore the day before." He snickered slightly, hoping to put the young woman at ease. 

Wilhelm was used to people getting nervous around him, and he had become adept at getting people to loosen up. As well as he could, at least. Some people were hopeless. It was kind of funny. He had absolutely no power. And even if he did have the ability to destroy someone's life, he wouldn't remember their name to carry it out anyway. He didn't even know all the names of the people in his dorm, much less the school staff or the guy who served him coffee!

 At last, the secretary located the keys-- in her pocket, no less-- And opened the door. Five minutes later, Dr. Nilsson ambled in, ducky umbrella in hand as he whistled "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah" under his breath. 

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