Chapter 6 (Ending)

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Shylo opened his eyes and gasped.

What? He's alive? Well, not exactly.  He tried to pick himself up, but the feeling in his arms hurt.

"What the..."

His arms were all stitched up, and bloody. Shylo touched his stomach, making sure that the knife was gone. It was.

He felt weirdly happy. It was unnatural. He didn't know why he was happy.

"Oh yes.. " he spoke in a mysterious voice. He knew what he had to do. He had to do this. If he didn't, he would eventually forget. All of the memories of them would be gone. And he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Shylo stood up, with little strength.
He made a groaning noise, as the pain in all parts of his body escalated.

"What happened to me? Why am I hurting so bad? And why does my mouth feel weird.."

His voice was quieter, and more monotone.

He couldn't move his arms normally. They were stuck. It was painful to move.

He noticed a guitar that was attached to his arms, making it look like he was holding it.

Oh no.. He thought. He knew exactly what was happening.

He had to find a mirror, before she came back. He panicked.

Shylo finally stood up, and made a wooden sound. "Wood??" He had no clue what was going on. Or maybe he did. Who knew.

He searched for a mirror in the dark room, and finally found one. He hasn't opened his eyes yet, he was too scared too see what he looked like.

He hoped that he looked the same as before.

He hoped and prayed that this whole situation was a bad nightmare, and it would all go away, like he always did.

He opened his eyes.

What he saw.. Looked eerily familiar. He began to cry. He looked exactly like the doll that his mother made of him. Exactly the same. From the maroon stitch, red eyes, to the puppet mouth, blue overalls, and the broken guitar.

He put his hands on the dresser and tried to process his situation.

He started to worry, because he was panicked, but he didn't feel his heart beat..

He placed his hand on his heart steadily. And still felt nothing.

"I'm.. I'm dead.." He wasn't alive, instead, he was a walking dead man. He was basically a zombie.

Thoughts were pounding in his head.

He had to do what he needed to do.


"Dad!! Dad please no!!" Shylo cried out to his father.

Erik was always protective of Shylo. Especially when it came to his wife.

"Eriiikkk~ Oh Erik my darling! Help me get this annoying pest out of this damn house, oh please my darling"

Erik stood his ground. "I will not let you hurt my son. How can you treat him like this? He is OUR SON. Have you no sympathy? You hurt the poor child over and over. You truly are a monster."

Her smile still stood. It never faded "Oh Erik!" She said as she took her arm and swung it across his face. He fell to the ground with a thud.

"When will you learn. I am the queen, and you two are my servants. No more than that."

"No!!!! Dad!!!" Shylo reached out to his dad. But didn't want to get hit by his mother. He curled up in a ball and started crying.

His mother laughed, and walked away.

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