End of the Year Journal Prompts 2021-22

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1. What are you the most proud of this year?

I am the most proud of this year finally becoming the person that I wanted to be and never truly found a way to release my thoughts out of my own shell and now I am out in the open like an open book.

2. What was one of the biggest challenges that you overcame?

The one biggest challenge I overcame was trying to figure out who it is I wanted to be and how I was going to make that happen for myself instead of letting someone else decide the path I wanted to follow for me.

What I learned from overcoming this challenge was to always remind myself of who I was and never change that for the world but to let my stories do the thinking out of my own head for me.

3. List a few things that you learned about yourself this year?

- Having more confidence in myself

- Having more patience with the smallest but simplest things

- Having more me time for myself to be creative

4. What are some new things that you started doing this year?

Some new things I started doing this year was:

- publishing more stories

- reading more books

- journaling my thoughts

5. What are some things are out of alignment with your life path that you stopped doing?

Some things I stopped doing that felt out of alignment with my life path are:

- Reading books

- Journaling everyday

- taking personal time to write while being in college or school

- doing art and creativity

6. How would you describe yourself/character From this year? In What Ways Have You Grown?

I would describe my character before I turned 20 as:


-less confident

-trapped in a shell

-not knowing where my life was going or who I wanted to be

In the ways I have grown when I turned 20 are:

- having more confidence

- being more visible instead of being shy behind a mask

- building up more faith in myself and my ways

- learning to take a second out of my day and start journaling again

7. What will you leave behind and not bring into this new year?

The one thing I will leave behind and not bring into this year is all the negative and toxic people who were in my life and start a clean slate with a new crowd and new beginnings.

8. What can you do to take better care of yourself this year?

- listen to better music to put into a better mindset

- eat more nutritious foods that give me energy

- journal everyday a lot more about my thoughts

9. What can you do to feel more Fulfilled with your career?

What I can do to feel more fulfilled with my career is to do something that is passion before priority and learning to wake up everyday and feel happy doing what I do.

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