Creative Journal Prompts 2021

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1. Who has inspired creativity in you?

The person who has inspired creativity in me is, my BFF's in high school who allowed to create a story about my life experiences as a teenager and the ups and downs we all have faced and how we were able to escape all of those moments and come out of them stronger.

2. How has creativity helped you?

Creativity has helped me in a lot of ways more than I can ever describe and has also allowed me to be able to express myself through my stories and reflect on my everyday thoughts as I journal and write them down.

In high school it has saved my life and allowed me to find an outlet and plug in the words I struggled so hard to put out there and for my stories to reach an audiences eyes is the biggest blessing I could have ever asked for this year in 2021.

3. How does it feel to create something of your own?

It feels like I am living a dream and that I finally found the courage to go out there into the world and write stories that are about me.

4. Write a letter to your inner critic?

Dear Fraygirl,

I know we have been through a lot together with finding our ways and navigating ourselves through all the emotions and feeling like we are a burden to those we always had to blame ourselves for and the actions they committed but to realizing that we didn't deserve to meet the punishment that was there fate and the insecurities they had to deal with down the line and once we met the fishing hook and became their bait we lost ourselves in the process anyway and after everyone telling us to keep swimming you will find yourself again was easier said than done when it came to you and me and the price tag of the shoes that no longer felt like me, instead they felt like they were someone else's style and possibly the wrong shoe size and through our experience if the shoe doesn't fit, then we will have to find the ones that will fit. One little mistake and it fixes all the errors that's what I told one of my past friends who made me download spell check in my mind.

-Your inner critic, Fraygirl

5. What advice would you give to someone would you give to someone who wants to lead a creative life?

When it comes to creativity there are no exceptions, the only exception you can make is for yourself and whether you are all in or out to take the shoes and strap on your boots and start walking and telling your story with every word that is your ultimate chapter of a new story.

6. Write an encouraging letter to your inner artist?

Dear Kaylee,

I know we have push and pulled since you were a little girl and this career was always your dream now you are starting a new one whatever career that might be just know the most important thing in life you can ever learn is not where your story begins but how you plan on telling that story of the rest of your life. You may have known since you were five years old who you wanted to be and to think it started with that paper of words that you wrote that read don't mix your peanut butter with your jelly, otherwise you will be jelly and even though we may not have remembered the exact words you wrote to yourself there is one story that you do remember and it is about you and how you used to go over your grammy's house and play in the pool and she used to keep some coloring books with the logo Lisa frank on them too and that was inside a cabinet which was just for you and now she is gone but you still remember her and what it was like to be a creative artist with her before you even knew how to draw those pictures maybe not the ones out of the coloring book but the one's that were of you just like that one graffiti picture you made with your name on it in the center and it was spelled Kaylee with every symbol of who you wanted to be and how you saw yourself and if you could give it a title you would call it: The real me, My inner artist Kaylee.

-Your inner artist of creativity behind the portraits and the paintings that are now a story, Kaylee

7. What were you inspired to create as a child?

I was inspired to create a drawing of a Mickey Mouse Phone and that was when I realized I wanted to be an artist.

8. What are your creative strengths?

My creative strengths are:

-Looking for inspiration from a story

-Looking for inspiration from a journal prompt or entry

-Looking for inspiration from a picture that can tell my story

9. List ten things you enjoy doing? When was the last time you let yourself do these things?

-writing stories

-writing in my journal

-reading other peoples stories

-reading books

-reading poetry

-watching YouTube videos and movies

-listening to music on Spotify

-doing journal prompts

-doing art

-writing on my computer

The last time in let myself do these things were this year 2021.

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