The Gratitude of 2021 Journal Prompts

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1. Describe your happiest memory

My happiest memory was when I fell in love for the first time and that was to a guy who was mysterious on the eyes and his art could speak a smile into your heart that was almost like he was telling all about a beautiful dream that you thought would only last as a memory of story that was no longer just yours but his and yours too.

2. List the treasures around you in your life

-My stories I write

My journal I love to write in everyday about my life

-My stuffed animal who has my heart ever since I was little

-My other person who has became my best friend and also my love interest

-My best treasure of them all and that person is my dear and lovely mom.

3. What's an accomplishment you are proud of?

An accomplishment I am proud of is finishing my first year in college as a freshmen and now I am transitioning into a sophmore.

4. What do you love most about life?

What I love most about life is that you can sit down and reflect on it and the experiences you have gone through along with all the people in your life who have been a part of the ride.

5. Write about a moment in your life that was pure joy and light?

The moment in my life that was pure joy and light was finishing high school and starting a new chapter in my life while going to college.

6. Write a thank you letter to yourself

Dear Self,

I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you have done for me over the past year in my life and how much we have gotten through it all and all the hurdles we have had to jump through so far only to sit back and reflect of all that we have done and letting it all work itself out and into a story that has now become a new chapter in our lives from the start of finishing off a new year to now beginning a new one.

-Just wanted to say thank you, my dear self.

7. What makes me happy to be alive?

What makes me happy to be alive is the fact that I can share my stories about my life experiences and also keep a record of them for myself as well in a journal all about me.

8. What makes you unique?

What makes me unique is the fact that now I am not afraid to shine like a disco ball of lights.

9. What's one of your personality traits that you're grateful for?

The personality trait I am most grateful for is, Courage.

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