The Journal Prompts of Self-Discovery

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1. I AM grateful...

I AM grateful for my dreams and the writing of stories that keep my thoughts alive and awaken me in ways that couldn't have ever imagined until I woke up one day and decided to journal again and that day was today.

2. I forgive myself for...

I forgive myself for not having enough confidence in myself and involving people I should have let go off sooner rather than later.

3. What do I need more of in my life?

I need more of clarity and new beginnings instead of feeling like I am always wondering off into the sidelines.

I need more of faith instead of feeling like I always have to do things my own way and remembering that there are people out there who can help me and that my higher power has my back.

4. What does my ideal day look like?

My ideal day looks like waking up and writing in my journal my thoughts which is a time of reflection for me and getting my thoughts written down and out of my head.

5. What activity brings joy to my life?

The activity that brings joy to my life is writing and reflecting my thoughts in my journal.

6. What thoughts have been dominating my day?

The thoughts that have been dominating my day are the ones I think about in my dreams which is just a vision look book into my life in the future.

7. How am I feeling right now?

I am feeling very creative and motivated through these journal reflections.

8. What would I like to be doing if I wasn't afraid to fail?

I would be doing my writing because, with writing there is no right or wrong answer, its all about you and how you want the world to see yourself.

9. What limiting beliefs are holding me back from my full potential?

Well for me it was confidence and courage and knowing if I could do it.

10. What positive qualities do I possess?

The positive qualities I possess are:



-Common sense

-good writer


-style with clothes

-good artist

-good decision maker

11. What can I do to make sure that I stay grounded?

I can learn to rush into things so quickly and take my life with things no matter how simple they may be as a story but first reflecting on my thoughts in my journal and seeing if that is the story I want to write.

12. What can I let go of right now to live a more peaceful life?

I can let go any negative sources in my life or in my circle to allow myself to be happy.

13. When was the last time I was proud of myself?

The last time I was proud of myself was when I wrote my first story and published the story on Wattpad.

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