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chapter threea busy weekend

"Oi, Valina, what's the scarf for? It's August, you know," Allen joked and pointed at Valina's knitted scarf with dancing penguins

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"Oi, Valina, what's the scarf for? It's August, you know," Allen joked and pointed at Valina's knitted scarf with dancing penguins. It was a sunny Friday and they were on their way back from school; Valina had decided to have lunch at Allen's before they headed to Kei's for the band meeting.

"I'm sick again," she mumbled and Allen's expression turned from goofy to worried. "Want my jacket?" he asked instinctively but stopped in his tracks when he realized that it was August and he didn't wear jackets in August — or any summer month (except when it was raining).

Valina smirked. "Sure. I would love to have your invisible jacket."

Shaking his head, Allen waved his friend off and opened the door to his house. Inside they were met with Allen's mother who was hurriedly packing groceries into the fridge. As soon as she heard the teens, she looked up with a warm smile.

"Pug! Valina! How was your day?"

Allen motioned for Valina to sit at the kitchen table and gently pushed his mom aside, taking her spot at the counter. He put away the rest of the groceries while Valina told Ms. Rose about their day.

"Have you made lunch yet?" Allen asked his mother and she shook her head apologetically.

"No, honey, I haven't, I'm sorry. I totally forgot we had a visitor today and— "

"Mum, calm down, it's fine," Allen reassured her and opened the cabinet to search for something edible. "What do you want to eat, Valina, Mum?" he asked over his shoulder.

"Oh, I'm not gonna eat lunch at home," she explained, "I have to go to work, you kids go on and have fun! And tell me how the meeting goes!" His mum grabbed her bag and started to put on her shoes.

Allen nodded and waved at her.

"Okay, Bye! Love you, mum," he said while prepping a stack of vegetables.

"Bye, Anya! Drive safe!" Valina shouted as Anya Rose rushed out the door.

"I will! See you later, kiddos!"

"So, Gnocchi with a side of grilled veggies?" Allen asked Valina. The girl nodded happily and joined her friend at the counter.

"Here, let me help you."

"Go take some medicine first."

( ♪ )

After Allen and Valina had eaten lunch, they took Allen's dog, Connor, for a walk. They were supposed to meet up with Winnie to go to the band meeting together. However, Connor was feeling a little too comfortable laying on the freshly mowed grass of Allen's backyard. Normally, he would leave his dog at home, trusting his beloved friend enough to not do something dangerous. He's a dog. Nothing's gonna happen. But since Valina was trapped by Connor being sprawled out on her upper body and face, Allen tried his best to get his friend — the human one — out from underneath Connor.

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