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chapter twelve — music, to me, is...

The 17th of November started with a violent rainstorm

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The 17th of November started with a violent rainstorm. The clouds hung grey and low above the streets and a wall of rain blocked Winnie's sight as she rushed to the arena. Her curls started frizzing in the humid air and she cursed violently.

When she arrived at 101ROAD STAGE, her boots were glistening with cold droplets and not even her giant umbrella could prevent her coat from getting wet.

"Punctual as always," a voice remarked as Winnie stepped into the building.

"I don't know if this was supposed to be sarcastic."

"It wasn't." Kei smiled.

He led his childhood friend to the dressing room, in which Halley was prepping the last accessories.

"Hey, Winnie!" She waved with a silver necklace.

"Oh my god, Halley! This looks great," Winnie said as she looked around the dressing room in wonder.

"Aw, thank you, I'm so excited!" Halley hugged the pianist.

Alex and Valina entered the room, two bags filled with steaming food in their hands.

"Who wants food?"


"Please don't stain your stage outfits— "

A drop of sauce fell on Alex's jeans as he took a bite from his sandwich and the teens looked at him in horror.

"Don't worry," Halley sighed, a faint smile making its way onto her face, "I have a skirt in your size left."

( ♪ )

The hair on Vaina's neck stood up as she glanced at the clock. Three more minutes until the lights went out and they had to walk onto the stage. Her leg shook and she fiddled with the glittering butterfly clips in her hair.

The girl gripped her electric guitar a bit tighter, careful not to step on the many cables on the floor. There was a small click in her earpiece and she took a deep breath.

"Let's do this," she whispered to herself and took five confident steps forward, just as they had practised. On the other side of the stage stood Allen, giving her a small smile.

Valina nodded at the bassist and they walked towards each other, the rest of the band following them in an almost military-esque march.

The arena lit up in blue and purple hues for a split second before turning dark again. Loud cheers filled the air and the six teens scrambled to get in position, Alex sliding behind his drums, and Halley readjusting her earpiece.

"Go and slay," Tina's voice echoed in the earpiece and a row of spotlights rotated across the stage, highlighting each member's face before gradually changing to a blaring red as Kei strummed the first chord for "Jumpscare."

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