°°Chapter 1: new kid°°

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Shuichi's pov

I was minding my own business watching episodes from my favorite series Danganronpa when the teacher came in telling us that class was about to start so I took my notebook to take notes when I noticed someone I had never seen before and I guess everyone else was staring cuz I saw them get nervous, I have to admit they are kinda cute.

"Alright class listen up we have a new student today, introduce yourself" said the teacher in her calm sweet tone.

"I-I'm Kokichi Ouma, it's nice t-to meet you all" he said with a small smile on his face.

"Ok, Ouma go sit next to Saihara, Saihara stand up" she demanded and I did as told and stood up, he looked at me with his cute purple eyes and sat on the seat next to me.

Time Skip✨

So it's the end of the day and all I can say is that Ouma... I think that was his name.. was in all my classes today and we also got assigned to do a group project together so that just made my day great but bad at the same time mostly cause I don't know if he will participate with the project and that I'll be working all by myself because that has happened so hopefully he will help out with the project and who knows maybe we can watch Danganronpa together and become friends! But for now I'll just wait till he shows up.

Ouma's pov

That was probably one of the most disgusting first day I've had not because of the people but because of my stupid act I swear I just need to get on people's good side so that I won't be bothered but I swear if someone sees me as an easy target cause I feel like someone will. I will be so pissed off but anyways I have to meet up with this Saihara guy, honestly he's quite cute and attractive.. okay kokichi your homosexuality is showing. Wait did I forget to mention that I'm gay oh well it doesn't matter since y'all are reading this shit (bitch don't break the forth wall). Anyways where did he say we'd meet.. oh right at the front of the school. I walk to the front of the school and began looking for this guy, I eventually find him and put on my "innocent UwU boy" act.

"H-hey! We are supposed to d-do a group pro-project t-together" I silently cringe at myself.

"Oh yeah should we go to my house or your house?" He asks politely, he doesn't seem to bad. But my house a mess so I guess his house will do plus mom might get some extra time with my little sister.

"Your h-house, ple-lease" I swear this act will be the end of me.

"Alright then, to my house it is!" I honestly am a little excited to go to his house but why tho? Anyways who cares I need to consentrate on the group project.

•• Time skip••

Once we got to his house we started working on the group project and it was quite fun with him around anyways after we were done for today he asked me if I wanted to stay over, I do need friends here so I accepted his offer and called my mom to tell her she was okay with it.

"Hey do you watch a show called Danganronpa?" My eyes lit up (not literally) he watches Danganronpa too? Damn, I wonder if he's one of those intense fans or if he's on my level of admiring the show.

Shuichi's pov

"Y-yeah I do, what a-about it?" WAIT HE WATCHES IT TOO, I think I've met my soulmate. Okay calm down shuichi.

"Oh I just thought maybe we could watch it together, would you like that?"

"Of course I w-would!" After he said that I put the show on the tv screen and we watched it for a while.

••Time skip••

After a while of watching, which was for about two hours I felt something heavy on my shoulder, it was Ouma's head. I felt my face burn up but I desided to carry him to my bed I would sleep on the couch tonight.

Goodness how did this take months to write! Anyways I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading I will update this as soon as possible bye bitches, bros and my non-binary hoes and everyone else <3

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